2022-03-09: News Headlines

New Atlas (2022-03-08). US-funded Uyghur "Right Org" Hires Advocate FOR Genocide in Xinjiang. newatlas.report March 9, 2022 (The New Atlas) — The US accuses China of "genocide" in its western Xinjiang region. However, China had been reacting to US-sponsored separatism including a years-long campaign of deadly terrorism and militancy. So-called "human rights" groups funded by the US government are in fact separatist organizations sponsored by Washington hiding behind the …

WSWS (2022-03-08). Australian PM denounces China and announces $10 billion nuclear submarine base. wsws.org Morrison, who has supported every US-led invasion, declared that Russia and China constitute an "arc of autocracy" that is threatening the "rules-based international order."

New Atlas (2022-03-08). How to Debunk the West's Xinjiang "Genocide" Lies in 2 Minutes. newatlas.report March 8, 2022 (The New Atlas) — Just how hard (or easy) is it to cut through Western propaganda and daily headlines accusing China of "genocide" in Xinjiang against its ethnic Uyghur minority? Very easy. In fact it takes less than 2 minutes to actually follow media citations to what are ultimately dead ends or …

Anand Naidoo (2022-03-08). The Heat: China renews call for negotiations to end Ukraine crisis. america.cgtn.com China reiterates its call for a negotiated settlement to the conflict in Ukraine. Plus — amidst global uncertainty Beijing outlines modest economic goals for the year.

Editor (2022-03-08). Burning Globalist structures to save the Globalist 'Liberal Order'. mronline.org Biden, finally, has his foreign policy 'success': Europe is walling itself off from Russia, China, and the emerging integrated Asian market.

_____ (2022-03-08). Will ASEAN Survive the China-US Confrontation? journal-neo.org China has been actively pushing the US out of its place as "world hegemon" for a number of years now. Through soft power — lucrative trade agreements, economic aid, generous loans and investments — the PRC gains partners and allies across the world. The scale of China's "offensive" is such that the PRC is cooperating …

Pavan Kulkarni (2022-03-08). Persecuted leader of South Africa's shack dweller movement assassinated while on bail. peoplesdispatch.org The 29-year-old deputy chairperson of Abahlali baseMjondolo's eKhenana occupation was killed in Durban by four gunmen, allegedly led by the son of the local chief of the ruling ANC, against whom a police case had already been filed for an earlier attack on Sunday.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-03-08). Russia's Judo Kick to the Western Financial Gut. libya360.wordpress.com Pepe Escobar Washington's sanctions on Moscow will destroy Europe, not Russia. The battlefield is drawn. The official Russian blacklist of hostile sanctioning nations includes the US, the EU, Canada and, in Asia, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore (the only one from Southeast Asia). Notice how that 'international community' keeps shrinking. The Global South should be aware…

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