Daily Archives: March 25, 2022

2022-03-25: News Headlines

SAM (2022-03-24). This Is How We Can Amplify Nonviolent Resistance In Ukraine. progressivehub.net ELI S. MCCARTHY | WAGING NONVIOLENCE…

Martha Grevatt (2022-03-24). No letup in worker resistance at Starbucks, Amazon. workers.org Amazon workers walkout, Queens, New York, March 16. Amazon night shift workers in Queens, New York, and Marlboro, Maryland, (near Washington, D.C.) walked off the job March 16 in the wee hours of the morning. The walkouts — which involved roughly half the shift workforce in the three delivery stations . . . |

teleSUR (2022-03-24). China Reiterates Its Stance On Palestinian Issue. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki, saying China will continue to stand firmly together with the Palestinian people. | RELATED: | They had an in-depth exchange of views on the sidelines of the 48th session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) held in the Pakistani capital. | Wang said China fully agreed to the calls made at the OIC…

teleSUR (2022-03-24). Russia: US Benefits From War, Hinders Moscow-Kiev Dialogues. telesurenglish.net Russia denounces that the U.S. does not want the negotiations between Moscow and Kiev to end successfully and benefits from continuing to supply arms to Ukraine. | The US would not like to see a rapid completion of the Moscow-Kiev peace talks but hopes that Russia is mired in prolonged hostilities, Russian FM Sergei Lavrov has said.

teleSUR (2022-03-24). Sergei Lavrov: The West Tries to Impose a New World Order. telesurenglish.net Lavrov also expressed the need to "work on the issue of moving the headquarters of the United Nations Organization (UN) from the United States" to a country that adheres to neutrality in international relations. | The Foreign Minister of Russia Sergei Lavrov stressed that what is currently happening in the world is an attempt by the West to impose a new world order.

teleSUR (2022-03-24). UN: Russia Rejects Resolution on Ceasefire in Ukraine. telesurenglish.net Russia's UN representative V. Nebenzya reiterated that the West continues to ignore the genocide committed by Kiev over eight years in the Donbass, during which some 14,000 people lost their lives. | V. Nebenzia: The vote on draft humanitarian resolution in Ukraine exposed all who place politicizing of the humanitarian file above the UN support for providing humanitarian assistance to the Ukrainians in need.

Staff (2022-03-24). Pakistan PM Says Muslim Countries Have Failed Palestinians, Kashmiris (VIDEO). palestinechronicle.com Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan has said Muslim-majority countries have failed both the Palestinians and the people of Kashmir as part of his keynote address to the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on Wednesday, the

Staff (2022-03-24). Palestinian Detainee Suffers Broken Leg in Israeli Prison. palestinechronicle.com Female Palestinian prisoner Fadwa Hamada broke her leg during transportation to Damon Prison after her two little sons visited her, Safa news agency reported on Wednesday. Hamada's husband said she had had her legs chained

Staff (2022-03-24). Palestine, China Discuss Issues of Common Interest, Palestinian Cause. palestinechronicle.com Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, Riyad Al-Malki, discussed on Wednesday with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi a number of issues of common interest and developments in the international and Palestinian arena, the official Palestinian

oneworld.press (2022-03-24). The North-South Transport Corridor Is A Trans-Civilizational Integration Project. oneworld.press The NSTC represents the physical convergence of Russia's southern-focused grand strategic plans of balancing the Iranian-Pakistani anchors of its Ummah Pivot in this particular part of the supercontinent with the Neo-NAM that it's jointly pursuing with India. The trans-civilizational optics are immensely important since they speak to the fact that Huntington's so-called 'Clash of Civilizations' prediction was merely an example of ill-intended wishful thinking (if not a provocative policy proposal) and has been indisputably challenged by the resultant Convergence of Civilizations between Eastern Christianity, Isla…

oneworld.press (2022-03-24). Russian-Pakistani Energy Projects Are Highly Strategic. oneworld.press Russia has the capability to resolve Pakistan's energy crisis and thus unleash its newfound partner's vast economic potential. That could in turn further stabilize South Asia by lifting tens of millions of people out of poverty with time in accordance with its government's ambitious vision.

Staff (2022-03-24). Venezuela to Connect to Mir Russian Payment System. orinocotribune.com The Russian ambassador to Venezuela, Sergey Mélik-Bagdasárov said in an interview that the governments of both countries are developing steps to connect Venezuela to the Russian Mir payment system to subsequently be able to use the respective card in Venezuela. | "Connecting Venezuela to the Mir payment system and having the opportunity to use this card here [in Venezuela] would be useful for servicing the travel industry," the diplomat told

Ali Salam (2022-03-24). Israel Demolishes Village in Negev for 199th Time. imemc.org Israeli forces on Tuesday demolished the Palestinian Bedouin village of al-Araqib for the 199th time. The residents of the village have been forced to rebuild their lives from the rubble of their destroyed homes, but they say that they are steadfast and resolute in their determination to remain on their ancestral land — despite Israel's …

IMEMC News (2022-03-24). Israeli Soldiers Shoot Three Palestinians, Abduct Three, In Bethlehem. imemc.org On Thursday dawn, Israeli soldiers invaded the Deheishe refugee camp, south of Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank, shot three young Palestinian men, and abducted three others. Eyewitnesses said dozens of soldiers invaded the refugee camp before storming and violently searching many homes. They added that the soldiers abducted Mohammad Ramadan, 33, Yazan Mousa Manna', …

IMEMC News (2022-03-24). Israeli Navy Attacks Fishing Boats In Northern Gaza. imemc.org On Wednesday night, Israeli navy ships fired many live rounds, concussion grenades, and flares at Palestinian fishing boats near the shore of Gaza city, forcing them to leave. Media sources said the navy fired a barrage of live fire at the boats and many flares while the Palestinians were fishing in Palestinian waters not far …

IMEMC News (2022-03-24). Israeli Army Shoots Three Palestinians, Including A Child, Abducts One, In Ramallah. imemc.org On Wednesday afternoon, several Israeli army jeeps invaded Beit Liqya village, west of the central West Bank city of Ramallah, leading to protests before the soldiers shot three Palestinians, including a child, and abducted a young man. The soldiers invaded the village before storming and ransacking an auto parts store and abducted its owner Ayed …

The Palestinian News & Info Agency (2022-03-24). WAFA: "Israeli Forces Seize Tractors In Northern Jordan Valley" imemc.org JORDAN VALLEY, Wednesday, March 23, 2022 (WAFA) — Israeli forces seized an agricultural tractor working in the northern Jordan Valley lands Wednesday evening. Aref Daraghma, a local human rights activist, said forces raided the area and seized a tractor belonging to a Palestinian resident while he was working on plowing agricultural lands in the northern …

IMEMC News (2022-03-24). Soldiers Abduct Four Palestinians In Jerusalem And Jenin. imemc.org Israeli soldiers abducted, on Wednesday evening, four Palestinians, including a teenage boy, and confiscated a bulldozer, in Jerusalem and Jenin, in the occupied West Bank. The army abducted a teenage boy, Omar Hazina, from the Old City after many soldiers invaded the area and initiated searches, especially in at-Tour and Sultan Suleiman Street. The soldiers …

Slingshot collective (2022-03-24). Sunday 3/27: Help Mail slingshot issue #135. indybay.org Long Haul Infoshop – 3124 Shattuck Ave Berkeley – corner of Woolsey and Shattuck – 2 blocks from Ashby BART…

qqpalace8520 (2022-03-24). Jenis Permainan Slot Online 4d Terbaik di Indonesia. nationofchange.org Jenis Permainan Slot Online 4d Terbaik di Indonesia DAFTAR SEKARANG ‚Üí CLIK DISINI QQPalace Menyediakan Jenis Permainan Slot Online 4d Terbaik di Indonesia — Selamat datang di slot 4d gampang menang yang termasuk ke dalam daftar 12 website judi slot online terpercaya RTP tertinggi di Indonesia 2022 yaitu website slot terbaik. Agen judi online paling …

TASS (2022-03-24). GAME CHANGER: Russians Now Allowed to Visit the Doctor. anti-empire.com ROSTOV-ON-DON, March 23. /TASS/. All types of planned medical care, as well as professional examinations and medical examinations, will be carried out in the Rostov region in full from March 24. The corresponding changes were approved by the governor Vasily Golubev, the press service of the heads of the region reported. | Since March 10, the Rostov region has canceled the requirement to present QR codes for admission to public places and organizations, the need to maintain social distance. Most other restrictions have also been lifted, including on the occupancy of fitness clubs, gyms, swimming pools, water parks…

teleSUR, SH (2022-03-24). Perú llevará a instancias internacionales caso del indulto a Fujimori. telesurtv.net El primer ministro indicó que la actuación del Ejecutivo en torno al indulto de Fujimori estará apegada al marco legal, constitucional y convencional.

teleSUR (2022-03-24). Jamaica Demands Slavery Reparation During UK Royal Couple Visit. telesurenglish.net During Prince William and the Cambridge Duchess Catherine's visit to Kingston on Wednesday, Jamaican citizens held a demonstration outside the U.K. High Commission to demand the British monarchy to apologize and award its former colony slavery reparations. | RELATED: | "It is an act of grievance to my ancestors that British royals arrive without worry or remorse to our country," said protester Clement Deslandes, who wore a T-sh…

teleSUR -HIM (2022-03-24). Registran al menos 28 muertos en doble atentado en Somalia. telesurtv.net Autoridades somalíes fijaron en 28 las víctimas mortales, incluida la diputada federal Amina Mohamed, en medio de las elecciones parlamentarias.

Michele de Mello (2022-03-24). Historic Pact confirms Gustavo Petro and Francia Márquez presidential ticket in Colombia. peoplesdispatch.org On Wednesday March 23, the Historic Pact coalition confirmed its presidential ticket with candidates Gustavo Petro and Francia Márquez. The duo obtained the highest vote in the primaries held on March 13. According to the latest opinion polls, the unity ticket of the progressive forces is favored to win the presidential elections on May 29, with about 47% of the voting preference. | "Today we have reached a definitive moment. We have achieved an undeniable triumph. Millions of Colombians want the country to change, and today they are the majority," Petro declared during the event announcing his candidacy. | In ad…

Labor Video Project (2022-03-24). "Thrown Under The Bus" Vaccinations, Terminations & Union Rights With SEIU 1021 SF Member. indybay.org Kimberly Cox an SEIU 1021 SF MTA worker talks about the threat of firing for not getting vaccinated.

WSWS (2022-03-24). Train derailment in California highlights dangers from relentless attack on railroad workers. wsws.org Early Monday morning a Union Pacific (UP) freight train derailed en route through Colton, California, sending 13 cars off the tracks.

WSWS (2022-03-24). Education workers outraged by hard-right Ford government's removal of mask mandate in Ontario's schools. wsws.org The move could hardly come at a worse time, with the more infectious Omicron BA.2 sub-variant of COVID-19 starting to produce yet another surge of infections and deaths around the world.

ecns.cn (2022-03-24). China launching more cargo trains to boost coal transport. ecns.cn With a new train diagram to be put into operation from April 8, China will launch additional cargo trains to boost coal transport amid the country's efforts to ensure energy supply.

SAM (2022-03-24). While Millions Suffered, 2021 Was A Banner Year For Wall Street Bonuses. progressivehub.net SARAH ANDERSON | INEQUALITY.ORG

WSWS (2022-03-24). A revealing line up at right-wing Australian Labor senator's funeral. wsws.org The multi-party mourning and lauding of Kitching is bound up with the escalating war drive by Washington and its allies against Russia and China.

teleSUR, DRL, JDO (2022-03-24). Reino Unido impone medidas coercitivas contra Rusia y Belarús. telesurtv.net El nuevo paquete sancionador se dirige contra 65 industrias vitales rusas y otras tantas fábricas bielorrusas.

_____ (2022-03-24). Arizona Senate Passes GOP Bill That Could Spark 'Most Extreme Voter Purge' in US. commondreams.org "This is a recipe for chaos, not election integrity, and it would likely cut the state's electorate in half overnight," warned one observer.

Staff (2022-03-24). Aprueba Consejo de Estado dos nuevos decretos leyes. cubadebate.cu Dos nuevos decretos leyes, "Del reconocimiento del tiempo de servicio para el otorgamiento de las pensiones a los pescadores comerciales", y otro modificativo de la Ley 144 Del Presupuesto del Estado para el año 2022, fueron aprobados por el Consejo de Estado.

Staff (2022-03-24). Sismo de magnitud 5.2 se reporta en oriente cubano. cubadebate.cu La red de estaciones del Servicio Sismológico Nacional Cubano registró un sismo reportado como perceptible en el Oriente cubano, localizado en las coordenadas 18.80 grados de latitud norte y los -74.09 grados de longitud oeste, a una profundidad de 11 km y con una magnitud de 5.2.

teleSUR, SH (2022-03-24). Denuncian el lanzamiento de un nuevo misil por Corea del Norte. telesurtv.net Las autoridades norcoreanas no han confirmado una nueva prueba o lanzamiento de un misil.

teleSUR -HIM (2022-03-24). Congreso chileno aprueba nueva prórroga a estado de excepción. telesurtv.net Chile cuenta con cerca de 1.4 millones de migrantes, de ahí la necesidad de frenar el flujo irregular por el altiplano norte y recuperar el clima de seguridad en la región.

teleSUR- jaa -HIM (2022-03-24). Declaran estado de emergencia y toque de queda en Miami Beach. telesurtv.net La administradora de la ciudad, Alina Hudak agregó en rueda de prensa que las medidas quedarán vigentes desde la calle 23 hasta su límite sur.

teleSUR -HIM (2022-03-24). Perú exigirá refuerzo anticovid en comercios y sitios cerrados. telesurtv.net Autoridades sanitarias peruanas han develado que la población joven está reticente a vacunarse con el refuerzo por falsos criterios de seguridad.

Lisa Kim (2022-03-24). Zelensky Told Biden Not to Sanction Abramovich. anti-empire.com Editor's note: Oligarchs are the least likely to have favored the war, and have the least to gain by it. |
| Source: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky reportedly asked President Biden to refrain from sanctioning Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich earlier this month, believing that the billionaire could be a useful conduit for negotiations between Russian and Ukraine. | According to The Wall Street Journal, the Treasury Department had already drafted possible sanction…

ecns.cn (2022-03-24). Yunnan Spring tea harvest in full swing. ecns.cn Farmers kicked off the spring harvest at a tea garden in Fengqing County, Lincang City, south China's Yunnan Province on Tuesday.

Fight Back (2022-03-24). U of MN students speak out for striking educators. fightbacknews.org Minneapolis, MN – Around 40 people gathered in Dinkytown, off the intersection of 15th Avenue and 4th Street to hold a speak-out in support of striking Minneapolis educators on Saturday, March 19. The action kicked off with a round of chants, as onlookers passed by, some even joining the protest, and cars honked their horns in support, and speakers made their way to the mic. | Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) member and former Minneapolis Public Schools student, Gillian Rath, said, "being a schoolteacher is one of the most demanding jobs I can think of." | Rath continued, "I had teachers who would pay for…

WSWS (2022-03-24). Russia steps up political repression as economic crisis intensifies. wsws.org The Kremlin is concerned that a sharp economic downturn will provoke mass social opposition.

Staff (2022-03-24). Jaishankar meets Russian NSA, discusses Afghan situation. aninews.in New Delhi [India], September 8 (ANI): External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Wednesday met with visiting Russian Secretary of Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev, and discussed a number of international and regional problems, including the situation in Afghanistan.

teleSUR -HIM (2022-03-24). Pueblo argentino marchará en honor a víctimas de la dictadura. telesurtv.net Abuelas y Madres de Plaza de Mayo, así como organizaciones defensoras de Derechos Humanos convocaron a la marcha tras dos años detenida por la Covid-19.

teleSUR, jaa, JL (2022-03-24). Pdte. de Siria y canciller iraní celebran encuentro en Damasco. telesurtv.net Ambos altos funcionarios intercambiaron puntos de vistas sobre la operación especial rusa en defensa del Donbás.

ecns.cn (2022-03-24). Another registered survivor of Nanjing Massacre passes away. ecns.cn Another registered survivor of the Nanjing Massacre, Wang Suming, passed away at the age of 87 on Wednesday, reducing the number to 58, according to The Memorial Hall of the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders.

ecns.cn (2022-03-24). Hundreds of migrant birds take break in SW China's Sichuan. ecns.cn Qiongxi Wetland Park has welcomed hundreds of migrant birds in Aba Tibetan Qiang Prefecture, Southwest China's Sichuan Province.

Staff (2022-03-24). Hong Kong Police arrest 4 activists behind banned Tiananmen Square vigil: Report. aninews.in Hong Kong, September 8 (ANI): Hong Kong Police have arrested four key members of the pro-democracy group behind the city's annual Tiananmen Massacre vigil.

Center for Biological Diversity (2022-03-24). U.S. Company Seeks to Extend License for Deep-Sea Mining in Pacific. indybay.org Mining Oceans Depths Poses Risks to Global Biodiversity…

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