2022-04-02: News Headlines

WSWS (2022-04-02). China rejects EU calls to cut ties with Russia over Ukraine war. wsws.org Hostile official remarks after yesterday's virtual European Union-China summit point to escalating global tensions provoked by NATO's war against Russia in Ukraine.

ecns.cn (2022-04-02). Antigen test-kits widely used amid COVID-19 resurgence in China. ecns.cn Antigen kits for self-testing are being successfully used in cities like Shanghai, Jilin and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, all hit by another outbreak of COVID-19, said a medical expert at Beijing First Hospital on Friday.

ecns.cn (2022-04-02). China says Lithuania can resolve the issue by sticking to one-China principle. ecns.cn China urged Lithuania on Saturday to honor its commitments made when establishing diplomatic relations with Beijing and get back to the framework of one-China principle.

ecns.cn (2022-04-02). Intoxicating scenery of the Nyang River in Spring. ecns.cn Peach flowers are in full blossom along the Nyang River in Nyingchi, southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region. March 31, 2022. The Nyang River is one of the major tributaries of the Yarlung Zangbo River.

ecns.cn (2022-04-02). 6 missing following mudflow in southwest China. ecns.cn Six people went missing following a mudflow near a highway maintenance station in southwest China's Yunnan Province on Saturday morning, local authorities said.

ecns.cn (2022-04-02). Rare birds spotted in East China's Shandong. ecns.cn Photographers captured the courtship, hatching and feeding moments of pied avocets in Weihai, East China's Shandong Province.

Staff (2022-04-02). China says trade with Russia should continue as normal. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Apr. 02 (MNA) — "China is not a related party on the crisis of Ukraine. We don't think our normal trade with any other country should be affected," Wang Lutong, director-general of European affairs at China's foreign ministry said Saturday.

ecns.cn (2022-04-02). COVID-19 vaccination bill reaches 120 bln yuan in China. ecns.cn China has spent more than 120 billion yuan (around 18.9 billion U.S. dollars) on COVID-19 vaccination, an expenditure within the limits of the country's medical insurance funds, said the National Healthcare Security Administration.

ecns.cn (2022-04-02). China plans to boost TCM role in infectious disease treatment. ecns.cn China intends to make traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) play a greater role in infectious disease prevention, treatment and public health response, according to a newly-unveiled government plan.

WSWS (2022-04-02). Workers and students in Australia call for international anti-war movement. wsws.org "A lot of people oppose this war, but others get sucked into anti-Russia and anti-China hate… We need to unite Russian and Ukrainian workers, and workers everywhere, against the war."

ecns.cn (2022-04-02). Cherry blossoms in full bloom across China. ecns.cn Spring is coming. Cherry blossoms are in full bloom across China. Feast your eyes with flower…

WSWS (2022-04-02). Victoria Nuland visits Bangladesh, demanding it support US-NATO war drive against Russia. wsws.org An infamous US diplomat tours South Asia, seeking to pressure countries into joining the broader US offensive against Russia and China.

ecns.cn (2022-04-02). Shanghai screens over 14 mln people in 2nd phase of closed-off management. ecns.cn Over 14 million Shanghai residents in Puxi, or areas west of the Huangpu River, took nucleic acid tests on Friday, amid the city's second phase of closed-off management, a local official told a press conference on Saturday.

TASS (2022-04-02). US blacklists 120 organizations from Russia, Belarus. tass.com A document uploaded to the US Federal Register says those organizations were determined to be "acting contrary to the national security interests or foreign policy of the United States"

TASS (2022-04-02). Europe has no robust alternative to paying for Russian gas in rubles – expert. tass.com Leonardo Paz Neves of the Fundacao Getulio Vargas foundation believes, the new payment rules for Russian gas will cause no turmoil on the global energy market…

Dave DeCamp (2022-04-02). US to Work With Allies to Send Soviet-Made Tanks to Ukraine. news.antiwar.com A US official told The New York Times on Friday that the Biden administration will work with allies in Europe The move marks an escalation in Western military aid to Ukraine. Until now, the US and its NATO allies have provided Ukraine with thousands of shoulder-fired anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles but have held off on sending more advanced weapons over concerns of provoking Russia. | The US official wouldn't specify how many tanks will be sent or what countries the…

TASS (2022-04-02). Turkish forces shell northern Syrian city of Ayn Issa, injuires reported – TV. tass.com Artillery and mortar fire was coming from the border security zone, created by the Turkish troops in 2019, Syria's Alikhbaria TV reported…

teleSUR, mcs, MER (2022-04-01). China exhorta a apoyar al pueblo de Afganistán. telesurtv.net El mandatario chino afirmó que su país siempre respeta la soberanía, la independencia y la integridad territorial de Afganistán.

WSWS (2022-04-01). More guns, less butter: Biden's World War III budget. wsws.org On Monday, the White House announced the largest US military budget in American history, focused overwhelmingly on preparations to fight a war with Russia and China.

ecns.cn (2022-04-01). Xiongan New Area, 'city of the future', marks fifth anniversary. ecns.cn China announced plans to establish Xiongan New Area on April 1, 2017, to relieve Beijing of functions non-essential to its role as the national capital and advance the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.

ecns.cn (2022-04-01). China releases first technical standard for marine ecosystem restoration. ecns.cn

Staff (2022-04-01). China supports Iran in defending its lawful rights, interests. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Apr. 01 (MNA) — In a meeting with his Iranian counterpart, Chines Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that his country supports Iran in safeguarding its sovereignty and national dignity and defending its lawful rights and interests.

Staff (2022-04-01). Rusia califica de "inaceptable" cualquier potencial despliegue de la OTAN en los países centroasiáticos. cubadebate.cu Rusia considera "inaceptable" cualquier potencial despliegue militar de las fuerzas estadounidenses o de la OTAN en los países centroasiáticos, ha aseverado este jueves el ministro de Exteriores ruso, Serguéi Lavrov, durante la sesión plenaria de la reunión de los países vecinos de Afganistán, que contó con la participación de China, Irán, Pakistán, Tayikistán, Turkmenistán y Uzbekistán.

teleSUR, hvh, DRL (2022-04-01). Según China, la OTAN debió disolverse con la caída de la URSS. telesurtv.net El vocero de la Cancillería china calificó a la alianza militar noratlántica como "un producto de la Guerra Fría".

Staff (2022-04-01). Iran FM stresses realizing Tehran-Beijing economic potentials. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Apr. 01 (MNA) — Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian stressed the need for realizing the huge potentials of the two countries of Iran and China, especially in economic spheres.

ecns.cn (2022-04-01). Initial investigation report to be published within 30 days: CAAC. ecns.cn An initial investigation report on the plane crash of flight MU5735 of China Eastern Airlines will be released within 30 days, said Zhu Tao, head of the aviation safety office of the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), on Thursday.

Junaid S. Ahmad (2022-04-01). Pakistán: potencias extranjeras buscan derrocar al gobierno, para sabotear la alianza con China y Rusia. multipolarista.com La oposición de Pakistán busca derrocar al primer ministro Imran Khan con una moción de censura. Khan dice que EEUU le envió una carta amenazante y que tiene pruebas de financiación extranjera para una operación de golpe suave, con el objetivo de revertir su política exterior independiente, como su alianza con China y Rusia y su apoyo a Palestina.

ecns.cn (2022-04-01). Afghanistan must not be excluded from international community: Wang Yi. ecns.cn China believes that if Afghanistan responds more effectively to the concerns of all parties, the diplomatic recognition of the Afghan government will come naturally, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Thursday.

ecns.cn (2022-04-01). Over 88 pct Chinese fully vaccinated against COVID-19: official. ecns.cn China has fully vaccinated 88.11 percent of its population against COVID-19 as of Thursday, a Chinese health official said Friday.

ecns.cn (2022-04-01). China holds meeting to improve workplace safety. ecns.cn China has held a national teleconference on strengthening workplace safety to implement the instructions made by President Xi Jinping after the China Eastern Airlines plane crash.

ecns.cn (2022-04-01). U.S. reaps huge benefits from Ukraine crisis. ecns.cn The Ukraine crisis has entered its second month, causing massive casualties among Russian and Ukraine soldiers and civilians while creating over 4 million refugees. China, the EU, France, Germany, Turkey, Israel and others have been working hard to bring Russia and Ukraine to the negotiation table.

ecns.cn (2022-04-01). Chinese FM chairs 'Afghanistan's neighbors + Afghanistan' foreign ministers' dialogue. ecns.cn Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Thursday chaired the "Afghanistan's neighbors + Afghanistan" foreign ministers' dialogue in Tunxi, Anhui Province in east China.

Benjamin Norton (2022-04-01). China condemns 'racist' Western hypocrisy over Ukraine: You ignore victims in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Palestine. multipolarista.com China's Foreign Ministry said the "US, NATO and some western media are very hypocritical" over Ukraine, that their "reports smack of racism" and are not "equally concerned about the civilian casualties in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Palestine."

ecns.cn (2022-04-01). Chinese lawmakers' suggestions move toward implementation. ecns.cn A total of 9,203 suggestions made by national lawmakers have been distributed to 208 organizations to be processed, part of China's efforts to transform people's voices into concrete actions.

ecns.cn (2022-04-01). Chinese mythology-themed park kicks off construction in Wuhan. ecns.cn The construction of a theme park featuring ancient Chinese mythology has kicked off construction in Wuhan, central China's Hubei Province.

ecns.cn (2022-04-01). China's air quality continues to improve in 2021. ecns.cn China's atmospheric environment saw improvement in 2021 as the country continued its efforts to ensure air quality, a meteorological official said Friday.

Junaid S. Ahmad (2022-04-01). Pakistan warns of foreign-backed regime-change attempt, to disrupt China/Russia alliance. multipolarista.com Pakistan's opposition is trying to overthrow Prime Minister Imran Khan with a no-confidence motion. Khan says the US sent him a threatening letter and he has proof of foreign funding for a regime-change operation, aimed at reversing his independent foreign policy – like his alliance with China and Russia and support for Palestine.

ecns.cn (2022-04-01). Apricot blossoms add charm to Mingsha Mountain in Dunhuang. ecns.cn Dozens of hectares of apricot blossoms at the foot of Mingsha Mountain attract visitors to enjoy the pink desert scenery in Dunhuang, northwest China's Gansu Province in March.

ecns.cn (2022-04-01).

. ecns.cn The Main Media Center (MMC) for Beijing 2022, which left good memories for journalists from home and abroad, has entered post-Games transformation on Thursday and is expected to complete construction in 2024.

ecns.cn (2022-04-01). Beijing strengthens policy support for road testing of autonomous buses. ecns.cn Beijing unveiled regulations for trial implementation on Thursday to provide policy support for the upcoming road tests of autonomous buses, local authorities said.

ecns.cn (2022-04-01). Hangzhou sets stage for excellence. ecns.cn With less than six months to go, preparations for the Hangzhou Asian Games are in full swing.

ecns.cn (2022-04-01). Precious finless porpoises under protection in Jiangxi. ecns.cn A six-member team has been cruising along Gan River to discourage acts that may damage fish stocks or affect finless porpoises, while protecting the ecological environment since May 1, 2021, when commercial fishing was fully prohibited here and on Fu River of Nanchang in Jiangxi Province.

ecns.cn (2022-04-01). Shanghai tightens travel restrictions amid COVID-19 outbreak. ecns.cn Starting from Saturday, people leaving Shanghai must produce a negative nucleic acid test result obtained within 48 hours before departure as well as a negative antigen test result obtained within 24 hours prior to their travels.

Anonymous669 (2022-04-01). Russian Pinpoint Strike Wipes Out Ukrainian S-300 Air-Defense System (Video). southfront.org Illustrative image. | On April 1, the Russian Ministry of Defense released footage of a recent strike on an air-defense position of the Ukrainian military. | The pinpoint strike wiped out two transporter erector launchers (TELs) of the S-300 long range air-defense system. The TELs were likely of the 5P85D or 5P85S types, which are associated with Ukraine's ageing S-300PS systems. | The air defense position, which was apparently detected by a drone, was likely struck by a heavy air-launched guided munition, a cruise missil…

Anonymous669 (2022-04-01). Russian Pinpoint Strike Wipes Out Ukrainian S-300 Air-Defense System (Video). southfront.org Illustrative image. | On April 1, the Russian Ministry of Defense released footage of a recent strike on an air-defense position of the Ukrainian military. | The pinpoint strike wiped out two transporter erector launchers (TELs) of the S-300 long range air-defense system. The TELs were likely of the 5P85D or 5P85S types, which are associated with Ukraine's ageing S-300PS systems. | The air defense position, which was apparently detected by a drone, was likely struck by a heavy air-launched guided munition, a cruise missil…

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