Daily Archives: May 16, 2022

2022-05-16: News Headlines

Contributing Writers (2022-05-16). Prof. John Mearsheimer on Russia's Special Military Operation. marktaliano.net READ MORE: US Political Scientist Blames West for Ukraine Crisis | News | teleSUR English

Zahra Mirzafarjouyan (2022-05-16). US' Blinken, E3 FMs confer on Iran nuclear deal, Ukraine. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, May 16 (MNA) — On the sidelines of a meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Berlin, the US Secretary of State met with his German, French and British counterparts on the Iran nuclear deal and the latest developments in Ukraine.

WSWS (2022-05-16). The New York Times calls for China to end the Zero-COVID policy "no matter the cost!" wsws.org The New York Times' assault on Zero-COVID is odious and would lead to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Chinese, especially the most vulnerable. However, these are in line with attempts to scapegoat China for the deteriorating economic crisis plaguing the world.

Maia O'Connor (2022-05-16). Novocastrian socialist runs for NSW Senate. greenleft.org.au Socialist Alliance Senate candidate Niko Leka believes the election will be a pivotal time for climate action and said his PhD in Public Health would see him prioritise preventative healthcare nationally. Maia O'Connor reports.

Maia O'Connor (2022-05-16). Novocastrian socialist runs for NSW Senate. greenleft.org.au Socialist Alliance Senate candidate Niko Leka believes the election will be a pivotal time for climate action and said his PhD in Public Health would see him prioritise preventative healthcare nationally. Maia O'Connor reports.

Binoy Kampmark (2022-05-16). Morbid Matters: Estimating COVID-19 Mortality. dissidentvoice.org It has dominated news cycles, debates and policies since 2020, but COVID-19 continues to exercise the interest of number crunchers and talliers. While the ghoulish daily press announcements about infections and deaths across many a country have diminished and, in some cases, disappeared altogether, publications abound about how many were taken in the pandemic. The …

Binoy Kampmark (2022-05-16). Morbid Matters: Estimating COVID-19 Mortality. dissidentvoice.org It has dominated news cycles, debates and policies since 2020, but COVID-19 continues to exercise the interest of number crunchers and talliers. While the ghoulish daily press announcements about infections and deaths across many a country have diminished and, in some cases, disappeared altogether, publications abound about how many were taken in the pandemic. The …

Staff (2022-05-16). Cuba reporta 72 nuevos casos de COVID-19, ningún fallecido y 71 altas médicas. cubadebate.cu Al cierre de este domingo 15 de mayo, Cuba reportó 72 nuevos casos de COVID-19, ningún fallecido y 71 altas médicas. Actualmente hay 468 casos activos, informó el Ministerio de Salud Pública (Minsap) en su parte diario este lunes.

Binoy Kampmark (2022-05-16). Estimating COVID-19 mortality. greenleft.org.au The World Health Organization has offered a revised assessment of the COVID-19 death toll, saying the mortality figure is closer to 14.9 million. Binoy Kampmark reports.

Binoy Kampmark (2022-05-16). Estimating COVID-19 mortality. greenleft.org.au The World Health Organization has offered a revised assessment of the COVID-19 death toll, saying the mortality figure is closer to 14.9 million. Binoy Kampmark reports.

IMEMC News (2022-05-16). Israeli Navy Attacks Fishermen In Southern Gaza. imemc.org On Sunday evening, Israeli navy ships attacked several Palestinian fishing boats near the Rafah shore, in the southern part of the besieged Gaza Strip. Eyewitnesses said the navy fired many live rounds and gas bombs at the boats, forcing the fishermen to leave. The navy also chased several fishing boats and used water cannons.

IMEMC News (2022-05-16). Israeli Soldiers Abduct Seventeen Palestinians In West Bank. imemc.org Israeli soldiers abducted at least seventeen Palestinians from several parts of the occupied West Bank on Monday dawn. In Hebron, in the southern part of the occupied West Bank, the soldiers invaded Halhoul town, north of the city, stormed and searched several homes, and abducted two siblings, Hamza Eyad al-Baw. 26, and his brother, former …

IMEMC News (2022-05-16). Soldiers Abduct Four Palestinians In Jerusalem, Hebron, And Jenin. imemc.org On Monday afternoon, Israeli soldiers four Palestinians, including two former political prisoners, in Jerusalem, Hebron, and Jenin, in the occupied West Bank. The soldiers invaded Hizma town northeast of occupied Jerusalem and searched several homes before abducting two former political prisoners, Mohammad Hussein Khatib, 22, and Ammar Abed-Rabbo Khatib, 22. In Hebron, in the southern …

The Palestinian News & Info Agency (2022-05-16). WAFA: "Jerusalem church leaders condemn Israeli police violence at St. Joseph hospital during Abu Akleh's funeral" imemc.org JERUSALEM, Monday, May 16, 2022 (WAFA) — The top church leaders in Jerusalem today condemned in a statement Israeli police brutality at St. Joseph's hospital during the funeral of slain Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, who was shot and killed by Israeli forces on Wednesday in Jenin while covering an army raid into the northern …

Mickey Z. (2022-05-16). Henry Kissinger, the World Economic Forum and Population Control. dissidentvoice.org Henry Kissinger and Klaus Schwab in Davos. If for some inexplicable reason, you couldn't come up with a reason to be ashamed of the U.S., I've got one for you: Henry Kissinger has been a widely revered thinker and statesman for six decades, and is the recipient of awards like the Nobel Peace Prize (1973); …

Mickey Z. (2022-05-16). Henry Kissinger, the World Economic Forum and Population Control. dissidentvoice.org Henry Kissinger and Klaus Schwab in Davos. If for some inexplicable reason, you couldn't come up with a reason to be ashamed of the U.S., I've got one for you: Henry Kissinger has been a widely revered thinker and statesman for six decades, and is the recipient of awards like the Nobel Peace Prize (1973); …

Fight Back (2022-05-16). Tallahassee: Demonstration defends Roe v. Wade. fightbacknews.org Tallahassee, FL – Around 100 people came out to support a Defend Roe v. Wade protest on May 12 at the Florida Capitol building. | "Abortion is healthcare, and I will always support that constitutional right. I want Tallahassee to know I stand with them on this issue," said City Commissioner Jack Porter. "Passing a resolution affirming my support for women's healthcare and reproductive rights in general was a start, but there's more we can do. We can provide unbiased information about abortion, create a supportive environment for people to make their own healthcare decisions, regulate misleading practices at certa…

WSWS (2022-05-16). Andy Warhol 1964 painting sells for $195 million, breaking auction record. wsws.org The exorbitant price for a trivial, empty work underscores the domination of the art world by a financial aristocracy that brushes aesthetic questions aside.

WSWS (2022-05-16). ICE has created a "surveillance dragnet" for accessing the personal information of all US citizens. wsws.org Georgetown Law has published a report that describes in detail how Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has created a surveillance infrastructure that is violating the democratic rights of American citizens without any government authorization or oversight.

WSWS (2022-05-16). Texas travel nurse on the health care crisis: "The profits are going to the CEOs instead of trying to keep nurses and support staff" wsws.org The nurse is part of a growing movement of health care workers across the US fighting for better working conditions, pay and benefits, staffing, and resources.

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Morteza Ahmadi Al Hashem (2022-05-16). Iran seriously pursuing goods bartering with Cuba: Safari. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, May 16 (MNA) — Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister for Economic Diplomacy says that the issue of bartering goods with Cuba is being seriously pursued.

Marzieh Rahmani (2022-05-16). Leader condoles demise of Shia cleric Ayatollah Fateminia. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, May 16 (MNA) — In a message released on Monday, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei expressed his condolences over the passing of the Iranian Shia cleric Ayatollah Seyyed Abdollah Fateminia.

Marzieh Rahmani (2022-05-16). 3 killed, many injured in California, Texas shootings. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, May 16 (MNA) — Shootings in a church in California, and a market in Texas left at least three dead and several injured on Sunday, US authorities said.

Chris White (2022-05-16). If Labor wins, we need to push for the right to strike. greenleft.org.au If Labor wins government on May 21 unionists must press for the right to strike, argues Chris White.

Marzieh Rahmani (2022-05-16). Somalia elects Hassan Sheikh Mohamud as new president. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, May 16 (MNA) — Somalia handed Hassan Sheikh Mohamud the presidency for a second time following Sunday's long-overdue election.

Staff (2022-05-16). Pres. congrats Iran teams on 3rd title in 2021 Deaflympics. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, May 16 (MNA) — Iranian President congratulated Iranian teams participating in the 2021 Deaflympics for gaining 40 medals.

Tracey Carpenter (2022-05-16). Despite La Niña, water remains a critical election issue. greenleft.org.au The approach of those seeking to be elected to the Murray-Darling Basin and its water distribution plan needs to weighed up because too much water is still being allocated to irrigators. Tracey Carpenter reports.

Staff (2022-05-16). Completando el análisis sobre la biotecnología. cubadebate.cu También fue parte esencial de la experiencia fundacional del sector de la biotecnología, el esfuerzo previo de formación de capital humano, y el proceso simultáneo de selección de cuadros, donde quiera que estén. Las experiencias positivas lo son por lo que tienen de "replicables". De lo contrario serían solamente excepciones u objetos de museo.

Marzieh Rahmani (2022-05-16). Leader condoles demise of Shia cleric Ayatollah Fateminia. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, May 16 (MNA) — In a message released on Monday, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei expressed his condolences over the passing of the Iranian Shia cleric Ayatollah Seyyed Abdollah Fateminia.

Chris White (2022-05-16). If Labor wins, we need to push for the right to strike. greenleft.org.au If Labor wins government on May 21 unionists must press for the right to strike, argues Chris White.

Staff (2022-05-16). Minsap: Permanecen hospitalizados 12 lesionados en el accidente del hotel Saratoga. cubadebate.cu El Minsap informó que hasta las 10: 00 a.m. de este lunes 16 de mayo, el conteo de lesionados por el accidente ocurrido el pasado día 6 en el hotel Saratoga es de 99, de los que 12 están hospitalizados en cinco instituciones habaneras y 41 recibieron el alta médica. La cifra de fallecidos por la explosión es de 46.

Marzieh Rahmani (2022-05-16). US must accept Iran trade normalization ties under JCPOA. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, May 16 (MNA) — Washington must accept the normalization of Iran's trade relations with other countries in accordance with the JCPOA and Resolution 2231, the Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman said.

Staff (2022-05-16). Parlamentarios adoptan Ley de los Derechos del Autor y del Artista Intérprete (+ PDF). cubadebate.cu La ley incorpora derechos similares al de autor para artistas intérpretes y ejecutantes, incorpora derechos de remuneración por el uso de creaciones y producciones en redes informáticas e incluye derechos sobre programas y aplicaciones informáticos y bases de datos. El ministro de Cultura comentó el interés que ha suscitado esta norma entre la población.

Tracey Carpenter (2022-05-16). Despite La Niña, water remains a critical election issue. greenleft.org.au The approach of those seeking to be elected to the Murray-Darling Basin and its water distribution plan needs to weighed up because too much water is still being allocated to irrigators. Tracey Carpenter reports.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2022-05-16). Progressive International: The Athens Declaration on Ukraine. transcend.org Today, 13 May 2022, three members of the Progressive International, Yanis Varoufakis, Jeremy Corbyn and Ece Temelkuran, called a press conference to make public the Athens Declaration on the Russian invasion and the war in Ukraine. Here is the text.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2022-05-16). Biden Wanted $33B More for Ukraine. Congress Quickly Raised It to $40B. Who Benefits? transcend.org 11 May 2022 – Tens of billions, soon to be much more, are flying out of U.S. coffers to Ukraine as North Americans suffer, showing who runs the U.S. government, and for whose benefit.

____ (2022-05-16). Progressive International: The Athens Declaration on Ukraine. transcend.org Today, 13 May 2022, three members of the Progressive International, Yanis Varoufakis, Jeremy Corbyn and Ece Temelkuran, called a press conference to make public the Athens Declaration on the Russian invasion and the war in Ukraine. Here is the text.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2022-05-16). Jesus, Endless War, and the Rise of U.S. Fascism. transcend.org 9 May 2022 – The Democratic Party is hoping to thwart an election by running against the Supreme Court decision on abortion. The Christian fascists believe military power, and its "manly" virtues, are blessed by God. No military budget is too big. No war waged by the US is evil. Violence is the primary form of communication. Vengeance is the highest good.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2022-05-16). Acclaimed Palestinian-American Journalist Shireen Abu Akleh Killed in Israeli Raid in West Bank. transcend.org 12 May 2022 – Shireen was a beloved journalist known for her tireless reporting on Palestine. As news of her death spread, crowds turned out in a spontaneous outpouring of anger and grief gathered outside her home in occupied East Jerusalem. Israeli soldiers then raided the home in an act both pointless and cruel.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2022-05-16). Tears and Hope from the Last Few Days. transcend.org 14 May 2022 – World renowned journalist Shireen AbuAqleh was intentionally murdered by an Israeli sniper in Jenin. We planted ten trees in her honor. The constellation of events and circumstances and her background actually were so amazing that it provided a huge dose of sadness but also a big ray of hope for us.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2022-05-16). Israeli Police Attack Funeral Procession for Shot Journalist Shireen Abu Aqleh. transcend.org 13 May 2022 – Israeli forces have attacked a funeral procession for a Palestinian American journalist shot dead this week, kicking and hitting people with batons and causing mourners carrying her coffin to lose balance and drop it to the ground.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2022-05-16). (Norsk-Norwegian) Farene ved Svensk og Finsk NATO-medlemskap. transcend.org 15. mai 2022 – De foreslà•tte medlemskapene kan forventes à• forà•rsake store, mer spesifikke problemer. Les og tenk nà∏ye gjennom hva du à∏nsker à• gjà∏re i denne saken.

____ (2022-05-16). Medical Bigotry: Jim Crow in a White Lab Coat. transcend.org 13 May 2022 – Bigotry is an ugly thing. In my country, the US, it has had a long and nasty history. From treating black people and women as second class citizens via slavery, Jim Crow Laws, and blaming Eve for the fall of the human race in Genesis, to persecuting gay and transgender people, to barring atheists from holding public office.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2022-05-16). Tears in Heaven (Music Video of the Week). transcend.org Tears in Heaven is a ballad written by Eric Clapton and Will Jennings about the pain Clapton felt following the death of his four-year-old son, Conor, who fell from a window of the 53rd-floor New York apartment of his mother's friend, on March 20, 1991. Clapton, who arrived at the apartment shortly after the accident, was visibly distraught for months afterwards.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2022-05-16). It Is Foolish for Finland and Sweden to Join NATO and Ignore both the Causes and Consequences. transcend.org 12 May 2022 – Today, Finland decided to become a full NATO member. Sweden will do the same next week. What caused this ill-considered and panicking but fateful policy change and what its consequences will be.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2022-05-16). Medical Bigotry: Jim Crow in a White Lab Coat. transcend.org 13 May 2022 – Bigotry is an ugly thing. In my country, the US, it has had a long and nasty history. From treating black people and women as second class citizens via slavery, Jim Crow Laws, and blaming Eve for the fall of the human race in Genesis, to persecuting gay and transgender people, to barring atheists from holding public office.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2022-05-16). Extend the Spirit of Partisans to Fight New Fascisms: Homophobia, Discrimination, Exclusion and Racism. transcend.org 9 May is officially the Europe or Victory Day, commemorating the defeat of Nazi Germany by the Allies—-USSR, USA, France and UK—-in 1945. For the first time since the ethnic cleanings in 1992-95, Bosnian human rights activists explore the possibility of international solidarity networks, linking their local activism with those from other parts of the world.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2022-05-16). IMPORTANT APPEAL FOR DONATIONS TO TMS. transcend.org We can't continue producing and delivering our TMS Weekly Digest to your Inbox–unfailingly since 2008—without your help. Censorship is closing in on alternative media/journalism; the elites demand more of it. We will not waiver in our commitment to our Solutions-Oriented Peace Journalism, and will never install a paywall, charge for a subscription, sell your data, or accept advertising.

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