Daily Archives: May 23, 2022

2022-05-23: News Headlines

____ (2022-05-23). New Zealand Labour government's budget imposes new burdens on working class. wsws.org While providing nothing to address soaring social inequality, and dismantling COVID protections, the Ardern government is diverting billions of dollars to integrate New Zealand into US war plans against Russia and China.

____ (2022-05-23). Biden's trip to Asia prepares for military confrontation with China. wsws.org Biden's trip to Asia underscores the fact that US imperialism is recklessly pursuing a strategy aimed at securing control of the strategic Eurasian landmass and its resources and preventing any challenge to its global hegemony by Russia or China.

Staff (2022-05-23). Para apuntar: Los 10 países del mundo que más monto de remesas recibieron en 2021. cubadebate.cu Con la entrada de 54,100 millones de dólares en remesas, México desplazó a China, que durante el año de la pandemia ocupó el segundo lugar como receptor mundial. En ambos años, el líder receptor de flujos resultó la India.

Kyle Anzalone (2022-05-23). General Milley Predicts Grim Future of Deadly Great Power Wars Fought in Cities. news.antiwar.com America's highest-ranking military officer painted a picture of a dark future with great power wars fought in urban environments. Speaking to graduating cadets at the United States Military Academy, General Mark Milley forewarned of death tolls for US soldiers in the tens of thousands. Milley identified Russia and China as the growing powers America will …

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