2022-06-30: News Headlines

Jim McIlroy (2022-06-30). 20,000 teachers strike for better pay, conditions. greenleft.org.au More than 20,000 teachers marched from Hyde Park to New South Wales Parliament to demand a pay rise and better teaching conditions. Jim McIlroy reports.

Sameena Rahman (2022-06-30). NATO officially adds China to its list of enemies. liberationnews.org NATO's new Strategic Concept also included a new and highly notable addition to NATO's official enemies list: China…

WSWS (2022-06-30). Turkey retracts veto on Sweden, Finland joining NATO amid war summit in Madrid. wsws.org On the eve of the NATO summit focusing on war against Russia in Ukraine, as well as confronting China, top officials from Turkey, Sweden and Finland made an agreement allowing Stockholm's and Helsinki's entry into the military alliance.

Dave DeCamp (2022-06-30). NATO Says China Poses 'Systemic Challenges' In New Strategic Concept. news.antiwar.com As NATO leaders gathered in Madrid on Wednesday, It was the first time China was identified as a concern by

WSWS (2022-06-30). US announces plans to flood Europe with troops and weapons. wsws.org US President Joe Biden has announced a sweeping increase in US troop deployments to Europe as part of a plan by NATO to militarize the continent for its ongoing war with Russia and escalating conflict with China.

Peace council, Birgit Naujeck (2022-06-30). Negotiating at last and The Russian-American Friendship. indybay.org In fact, Russia's war is a response to NATO's eastward expansion, long criticized by the peace movement, and to Western policies of rearmament and confrontation, by which Russia feels more and more existentially threatened. It began as early as the 1990s with the expansion of NATO – contrary to clear, binding commitments to Moscow…

WSWS (2022-06-30). Australian PM commits to NATO war offensive against Russia and China. wsws.org Albanese directly linked the US-NATO proxy war against Russia, triggered by goading Moscow into a reactionary invasion of Ukraine, to the mounting campaign by the US and its allies to ignite a similar war against China over Taiwan.

RT (2022-06-30). Russia Challenges Western Accusations at UN Security Council. dissidentvoice.org Caleb Maupin reports on the recent allegation of Russian missile targeting an shopping center in Ukraine, dismissed by Russia at the United Nations.

____ (2022-06-30). Millenniums-old construction materials found in China's Xi'an. ecns.cn Archaeologists in Xi'an, capital of northwest China's Shaanxi Province, have unearthed three pieces of semicircular tiles dating back to the late Yangshao Culture period, according to the Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology.

____ (2022-06-30). My heart is always with Hong Kong compatriots: Xi. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday said he has all along been concerned about Hong Kong and his heart is always with Hong Kong compatriots.

The Global Research Team (2022-06-30). Your Support Has Kept Global Research Freely Accessible for Two Decades. globalresearch.ca The goal of the Global Research website is to shed light on complex and controversial issues often neglected by the mainstream media. It is through our readers' support and our authors' endeavors that allows us to sustain this objective. By …

____ (2022-06-30). Expansion of Beijing Stock Exchange to speed up. ecns.cn The Beijing Stock Exchange is expected to see a profound and fast growth in a number of listed companies in the coming months and, therefore, is actively preparing to launch an index tracking market performance of the listed companies, the bourse said.

SCOTUS ruled wrongly (2022-06-30). People pour into Federal Bldg Plaza to Express their Outrage on Day of Decision. indybay.org Protesters spilled into the streets on June 24 soon after the much anticipated Supreme Court decision on Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization was announced.

____ (2022-06-30). Xi extends congratulations, best wishes to Hong Kong compatriots. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday congratulated Hong Kong compatriots and extended his best wishes on the occasion marking the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland.

____ (2022-06-30). China drives surge in online payments. ecns.cn At least 100 million Chinese adults joined the ranks of people making digital payments in 2021, leading the global surge in the use of online transactions amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

____ (2022-06-30). Shanghai diners savor resumption of service. ecns.cn Restaurants and hungry diners in Shanghai embraced dine-in service for the first time in three months on Wednesday in the latest recovery after an outbreak of COVID-19 shut the city down.

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2022-06-30). Friday 7/29: Stolen Legacy: California Pioneers of African Descent. indybay.org Leidesdorff Street | Financial District…

____ (2022-06-30). New highway opens in China's largest desert. ecns.cn A new highway traversing the Taklimakan Desert in China's northwestern Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, was put into operation on Thursday.

____ (2022-06-30). President Xi arrives in Hong Kong. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in Hong Kong by train on Thursday afternoon.

Shotgun Players (2022-06-30). Saturday 7/23: Ashby Stage Indigenous Land Acknowledgement Mural Unveiling. indybay.org Ashby Stage | 1901 Ashby Ave | Berkeley, CA 94703…

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-06-30). Presidente de China inicia visita de dos días a Hong Kong. telesurtv.net Trasmitió felicitaciones a sus habitantes por el aniversario 25 de que la región abandonara el dominio británico y retornara a China.

TeleSUR, yart, DRL (2022-06-30). China rechaza ser un "desafío" estratégico para la OTAN. telesurtv.net China alertó, asimismo, que responderá de manera coordinada a quienes socaven sus intereses.

____ (2022-06-30). China to see 520 mln railway trips during upcoming summer travel rush. ecns.cn China is expected to see 520 million railway trips during the upcoming summer travel rush that will kick off on Friday, according to the country's railway operator.

____ (2022-06-30). China publishes major science projects in 2022. ecns.cn Thirty major science projects, including 10 frontier issues of science, 10 engineering technical issues, and 10 industrial technical issues, were published by the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) on Monday.

____ (2022-06-30). Hainan ramps up opening-up efforts to build world biz hub. ecns.cn China released a master plan in June 2020 to build the island of Hainan into a globally influential and high-level free trade port by the middle of the century.

____ (2022-06-30). China's epidemic prevention ad control policy science-based, correct and effective: Chinese FM. ecns.cn

____ (2022-06-30). Hong Kong's future will surely be brighter: Xi. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping said here on Thursday that the future of Hong Kong will surely be brighter if "one country, two systems" is firmly upheld and implemented.

____ (2022-06-30). Typhoon Chaba on path to hit south China. ecns.cn Chaba, the third typhoon of the year, is heading toward the island province of Hainan in southern China, according to the provincial meteorological authorities.

____ (2022-06-30). Radio Telescope under construction in Sichuan. ecns.cn The construction of the Radio Telescope made great progress and expected to complete the installations by the end of 2022.

Staff (2022-06-30). Russia condemns Israeli regime attacks on Syria. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jun. 30 (MNA)— Speaking at a meeting of the UN Security Council, the First Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN, condemned the Zionists' airstrikes on Damascus airport.

____ (2022-06-30). Mainland strengthens education ties with Hong Kong. ecns.cn The Ministry of Education has approved the establishment of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou), the third cooperatively-run higher education institution between the Chinese mainland and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

Peter Maiden (2022-06-30). Abortion Rights Rally in Fresno June 28. indybay.org People protested the anti-abortion Supreme Court decision at Fresno City Hall on Tuesday, June 28.

Ramzy Baroud (2022-06-30). Palestinians 'are not animals in a zoo': On Kanafani and the need to redefine the role of the 'victim intellectual'. juancole.com Years before the United States invaded Iraq in 2003, US media introduced many new characters, promoting them as 'experts' who helped ratchet up US propaganda, ultimately allowing the US government to secure enough popular support for the war. Though enthusiasm for war began dwindling in later years, the invasion of Iraq had begun with a …

____ (2022-06-30). Macao industry leaders expect closer, complementary cooperation with Hong Kong. ecns.cn Industry leaders in China's Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) are expecting closer and complementary cooperation with the Hong Kong SAR in the future given the two cities' proximity and similar histories.

Michael Petrelis (2022-06-30). Friday 7/1: Speakout: 12PM 7/1 Cordileone at Mission Dolores. indybay.org Mission Dolores Basilica | 16th and Dolores Streets…

____ (2022-06-30). G7 slammed for Cold War mentality. ecns.cn China on Wednesday urged the G7 to stop attacking and smearing the country, and interfering in its internal affairs in any form, after the group released a communique making accusations about Beijing.

Mark Merritt (2022-06-30). Water protectors hold out hope for river flows. greenleft.org.au The second Darling/Baaka River convoy to highlight unsustainable water-sharing plans and ungoverned water-trading practices was organised in early May. Mark Merritt reports.

____ (2022-06-30). Shanghai Disneyland reopens. ecns.cn Shanghai Disney Resort reopened on Thursday after more than three months of closure due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Anonymous103 (2022-06-29). Iran And Argentina In BRICS Would Advance The Multipolar Project. southfront.org BRICS' expansion is a necessary step to overcome the unipolar world order. | Written by Lucas Leiroz, researcher in Social Science sat the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant. | A new step is being taken towards the expansion of the BRICS. Iran and Argentina asked this last week of June to join the group of emerging countries currently formed by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Beijing and Moscow, which are extremely affected by international sanctions,…

Benjamin Norton (2022-06-29). Economist Michael Hudson on inflation and Fed plan to cut wages: A depression is coming. multipolarista.com Economist Michael Hudson explains the inflation crisis and US Federal Reserve's "austerity program to reduce wages" and boost unemployment. He warns a "long depression" is coming, due to the new cold war on Russia and China.

____ (2022-06-29). Chinese envoy urges NATO not to fan block confrontation using Ukraine crisis as excuse. ecns.cn China's permanent representative to the United Nations on Tuesday urged NATO not to fan bloc confrontation or a new Cold War by using the Ukraine crisis as an excuse.

Jake Johnson (2022-06-29). Sanders, Fetterman Urge Buttigieg to Fine Airlines Over Flight Cancellations. commondreams.org "The American people are sick of airlines ripping them off, canceling flights at the last minute, and delaying flights for hours on end," said the Vermont senator.

Anonymous103 (2022-06-29). In Video: Uncomfortable Questions To Ukrainian Authorities From Civilians In Kremenchug. southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2022-06-29). US Government Openly Advocates Destroying Russia. southfront.org The US government commission urged for more support (clearly implying actual support exists already) to separatist movements inside Russia and in the diaspora. | Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst | Last week, on June 23, a United States government agency under the name Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, better known as the Helsinki Commission,

Anonymous103 (2022-06-29). What More Proof Is Needed That America Is A Dictatorship, Not A Democracy? southfront.org | Written by Ever since 2014,

Anonymous Contributor (2022-06-29). Thousands Take to Streets in Boise, Idaho; Push Back Against the far-Right. itsgoingdown.org Report from so-called Boise, Idaho on recent protests and mobilizations against the Supreme Court ruling against Roe V Wade. In the heat of summer, on June 27th, 2022, roughly 4,000 people showed up to a demonstration at Cherie Buckner-Webb park in so-called downtown Boise, Idaho. The crowd was mixed with many attendees that had never…

_____ (2022-06-29). Canada's Brutal And Dangerous 'Pipeline Police'. popularresistance.org The expansion of oil and gas exports has become a strategic priority for a major section of the capitalist class in Canada and its political enablers. The declining possibilities for export to the US, moreover, have led 'business and political leaders…to pivot to East Asia, particularly China.' This has involved the development of the required infrastructure in the western provinces, including the construction of major pipelines. | Obviously, this whole initiative can only compound the impacts of climate change and other forms of environmental degradation. It has also put the Canadian state on a collision cours…

_____ (2022-06-29). Key Takeaways From BRICS Summit. popularresistance.org Last week the 14th BRICS Summit took place virtually, chaired by Chinese President Xi Jinping. The BRICS bloc (Brasil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) represents a key political, economic, and scientific force in the international arena. These nations represent half of the world's population and their collective GDP is greater that $20 trillion. | In today's context, the significance of the BRICS summit is increased to the extent that the bloc represents an alternative to the unipolar world of the decaying West. | What follows are some of the key points from the Summit's in Beijing: | Multilateral compromi…

_____ (2022-06-29). No End to the Chronicles of the Taiwan Issue. journal-neo.org In the new commentary on the most significant developments one way or another related to the Taiwan issue, first of all it is worth re-emphasizing what in the author's view is the most important thing.newsauthor">Ly, despite the continuing general trend of thickening clouds in the picture reflecting the issue, there are still glimpses of …

SCOTUS ruled wrongly (2022-06-29). People pour into Federal Bldg Plaza to Express their Anger on Day of Decision. indybay.org Protesters spilled into the streets on June 24 soon after the much anticipated Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization was announced.

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