2023-06-03: News Headlines

Larry Johnson (2023-06-03). Russia Cancels More Ukrainian Air Defenses While the U.S. Admits the Economy is stalling. sonar21.com Russia continues to pummel Ukrainian positions throughout the country and Ukraine continues to insist that it is shooting down Russian missiles and that the Russian attacks are inconsequential. Well, as…

Anonymous669 (2023-06-03). New Russian Suicide Drone Passed Tests In Special Military Operation Zone. southfront.org The Privet-82 suicide drone. Source: the Oko design bureau. | A new type of Russian suicide drones, dubbed Privet-82, have successfully completed tests in the special military operation zone in Ukraine and are now being prepared for their combat employment, the Oko design bureau told

_____ (2023-06-03). Iran still rolling with the punches. journal-neo.org Another wave of Western provocations cannot harm the Iranian regime. Instead of rapprochement with the West in order to ease the burden of anti-Iranian sanctions and to push its conditions under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Iran chose to increase its engagement with Russia and China after the start of Russia's special military […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-06-03). Cuban Deputy FM meets with South African parliamentary leader. plenglish.com During the meeting, both parties advocated for strengthening parliamentary relations between Cuba and South Africa and acknowledged the strength of the bonds of solidarity between the two countries. | Also present at the meeting were Cuban Ambassador to South Africa Enrique Orta Gonzalez and Rodolfo Benitez Verson, general director of Multilateral Affairs and International Law at the Cuban Foreign Ministry. | The two officials met on the occasion of Peñalver Portal's participation in the Friends of BRICS Foreign Ministers meeting in Cape Town, where Cuba participated as president of the Group of 77+China.

Anonymous103 (2023-06-03). Kiev's Democracy In Action: Ukrainian Bloggers Are Controlled By Intelligence. southfront.org Illustrative Image | Looking for hype, dim-sighted Ukrainian bloggers are revealing Kiev's secrets. In one of her interviews, notorious Instagram influencer "Alhim" proudly declared that she has been contacted by officers of the Security Service of Ukraine in the very first days of the Russian special military operation. According to her, "all sane bloggers are cooperating with Ukrainian intelligence". | Buryachenko Anna Nikolaevna, who has a nickname "Alhim", was born in the city of Dnipro in easter…

_____ (2023-06-03). Don't Ask, Don't Tell in Ukraine. strategic-culture.org America is sending more weapons to Ukraine, but is Ukraine using it to attack targets in Russian territory? | By Bradley DEVLIN | As June begins, Russia claims it has repelled further efforts by Ukrainian-linked fighters to cross Russia's border and enter the Belgorod region. The Russian Volunteer Corps (RVC), a paramilitary group of ethnic Russians fighting for the Ukrainians, however, claims they are still fighting in Belgorod. | Kiev still denies any direct involvement in the effort to capture Russian territory, though during the RVC's initial sally into Belgorod when videos posted to social media supposedl…

Anonymous103 (2023-06-03). BREAKING: Night Coming To Ukraine, First Explosions Thundered In Dnipro And Slavyansk. southfront.org Illustrative Image | On the evening of June 3, Russian forces launched new wave of strikes on Ukrainian military facilities. At the moment, air alert was declared in the Zaporozhie, Donetsk and Dnepropetrovsk regions. | The targets were hit in the city of Dnipro (former Dnepropetrovsk) and in Slavyansk in the DPR which is under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to preliminary reports, the strikes were carried out with Iskander-M missiles. | Ukrainian media showed footage from the city of…

Anonymous103 (2023-06-03). Dublin And NATO — Nord Stream: Ireland Edition Coming Soon? southfront.org Illustrative Image | Written by Gavin O'Reilly | Since the launch of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine last February, there has been much debate within the southern Irish state on Dublin's relationship with NATO, with many establishment politicians in

Anonymous103 (2023-06-03). Military Situation In Southern Ukraine On June 3, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Russian artillery struck AFU positions near Gulyaipole; | Russian artillery struck AFU positions near Malaya Tokmachka; | Russian artillery struck AFU positions near Kamyanske; | Up to 145 Ukrainian servicemen, 1 armored vehicles, 13 motor vehicles were destroyed by Russian artillery in southern Donetsk and Zaporozhye region, according to the Russian MOD; | Up to 45 Ukrainian servicemen, 2 pick-up trucks, 1 Akatsiya howitzer in Kherson region, acc…

Anonymous103 (2023-06-03). Ukrainian Forces Target City Of Berdyansk, Zaporozhie Region, For Second Day In A Row. southfront.org On June 3, the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) resumed strikes on the peaceful cities in the Zaporozhie region which are under control of the Russian military. | About an hour ago, Ukrainian forces launched several missiles ,targeting the city of Berdyansk. According to preliminary reports, at least six missiles were intercepted. Residents of the city filmed numerous explosions in the sky which were the result of the work of Russian air defence forces. | The wreckage of the Ukrainian Tochka-U…

Anonymous103 (2023-06-03). Russian Belgorod Region: New Battlefield Of Ukrainian War (18+). southfront.org Ukrainian militants killed on Russian territory on June 1 | The Ukrainian military continues to terrorize the civilian population in Russia. Intensive shelling of small villages does not stop, and the number of victims among the civilians is growing. At the same time, Ukrainian forces are launching UAVs into Russian territory, including into residential areas of large cities. | On the night of June 3, the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) targeted the city of Belgorod and its outskirts with several UAVs. During the night, Rus…

Editor (2023-06-03). Class and nation in the conflict in Ukraine. mronline.org There are many common interests that can bring Russian and Ukrainian soldiers together in fighting for a more just and equal world.

The Lancet (2023-06-03). Editorial] Targeting health care in conflict: the need to end impunity. thelancet.com On the morning of May 26, a Russian missile destroyed Dnipropetrovsk City Hospital No 14 in Dnipro, Ukraine, killing at least two people and injuring more than 30. Later that same day, the BBC reported that attacks on medical facilities and staff in Sudan might constitute war crimes. As described in a World Report, such attacks continue in Sudan, including most recently the looting and occupation of centres run by Médecins Sans Frontières, denying Sudanese civilians much needed medical care. From the deliberate targeting of hospitals in Syria and the destruction of the health system in Yemen, to the arrest and ab…

Anonymous103 (2023-06-03). Military Situation In Donbass On June 3, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Russian artillery struck the AFU positions near Dibrova; | Russian artillery struck the AFU positions near Nevskoye; | Russian artillery struck the AFU positions near Avdeevka; | Russian artillery destroyed an ammo depot of AFU near Serebryanka; | Russian artillery destroyed an ammo depot of AFU near Otradnoye; | The AFU reportedly hit 1 missile system, 5 artillery units, 9 concentrations of weapons and military equipment in the past 24 hours; | C…

Editor (2023-06-03). Seymour Hersh: Russiagate's Missing Pieces. scheerpost.com

Rhoda Wilson (2023-06-03). Covid Related News: The threat is not Russia or China; it's Big Pharma and Big Tech. expose-news.com Below is a collection of articles from the last few days which you may have missed. They detail fears of covid cover-ups, an admission that "zero" healthy young Israelis died from covid, …

Anonymous103 (2023-06-03). In Video: Clashes On The Russian-Ukrainian Border. southfront.org

_____ (2023-06-03). Waging WOKE Warfare Across the United States Takes a Major Hit. strategic-culture.org Not only do America's children not want male freaks in dresses terrorising them but they do not want those freaks lecturing to them from the huge podium Disney's movies offer them. | Though Russian President

Anonymous103 (2023-06-03). In Video: Civilians Are Waiting For Russians To Come To Chasov Yar. southfront.org

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-06-03). Russian Security Council draws up measures against sanctions. plenglish.com Moscow, Jun 3 (Prensa Latina) The Russian Security Council is drawing up measures to block the West's attempts to cause an economic crisis in the country, the press service of the State body reported on Saturday.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-06-03). Russian video games consumers trigger demand for retro consoles. plenglish.com Moscow, Jun 3 (Prensa Latina) Russian video games consumers triggered the demand for retro Tetris consoles, a game that is over 30 years old, representatives of commercial platforms noted on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-06-03). 40 Tibetan kids play soccer with peers in Beijing. ecns.cn Kids from a welfare center in Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, northwest China's Qinghai Province, play soccer with thirty kids Beijing Guoan football team at new Workers' Stadium in Beijing.

WHO Watch Team (2023-06-03). Activists demand better scrutiny of Israeli occupation's impact on health of Palestinians. peoplesdispatch.org The recently concluded 76th World Health Assembly discussed health conditions in Palestine, which are continuously deteriorating because of the Israeli occupation. Activists suggested that WHO should utilize its documentation of attacks against civilians, healthcare facilities, and humanitarian actors to make serious referrals to the International Criminal Court…

Amanda Yee (2023-06-03). Revolution and counter-revolution: Remembering Tiananmen 34 years later. liberationnews.org To put it simply, this particular narrative of a "massacre" of pro-democracy protesters in Tiananmen Square on June 4 is a complete fabrication, the mythology of which has been exploited by the West for over 30 years as evidence of the ruthless, authoritarian nature of the CPC to justify imperialist aggression against China.

ecns.cn (2023-06-03). Xi visits a Beijing school ahead of International Children's Day. ecns.cn Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president, and chairman of the Central Military Commission, visited Beijing Yuying School on Wednesday morning ahead of International Children's Day, which falls on June 1.

ecns.cn (2023-06-03). Quintuplet tiger cubs make debut in SW China's Chongqing. ecns.cn Quintuplet Bengal tiger cubs made their debut at an amusement park in southwest China's Chongqing on Wednesday. "ÄÄ…

ecns.cn (2023-06-03). Animals at Chongqing Zoo enjoy Children's Day celebrations. ecns.cn In celebration of Children's Day, dedicated staff at Chongqing Zoo in southwest China's Chongqing municipality treated giant pandas, golden snub-nosed monkeys, bears and other animals to a delightful assortment of apples, carrots, bamboo shoots, and zucch…

ecns.cn (2023-06-03). Businesses benefit from series of tax, fee cuts. ecns.cn With businesses in China rebounding from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic since the start of this year, the nation's economic growth has accelerated.

ecns.cn (2023-06-03). Beijing points to importance of U.S. biz ties. ecns.cn China and the United States agreed to continue to strengthen their communication channels and engage in discussions to identify potential areas of cooperation, said the Ministry of Commerce on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-06-03). President Xi encourages Bangladeshi girl to carry forward traditional friendship between China and Bangladesh. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi sent a reply letter to Bangladeshi girl Alifa Chin before International Children's Day, encouraging her to study hard, pursue her dream, and carry forward the traditional friendship between China and Bangladesh…

ecns.cn (2023-06-03). China firmly opposes the U.S. politicizing and weaponizing trade and sci-tech issues: spokesperson. ecns.cn China is firmly opposed to the U.S. politicizing and weaponizing trade and sci-tech issues, creating obstacles for normal technological cooperation and economic and trade exchanges in the industrial community and private sectors, and disrupting the global industrial and supply chains, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning said at the daily news briefing on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-06-03). At-home services find traction among Gen Z. ecns.cn Door-to-door (DTD) services have shifted from a luxury use pattern to a routine consumption mode in China.

ecns.cn (2023-06-03). Sci-tech cluster to promote international exchanges. ecns.cn The China Association for Science and Technology and the Beijing municipal government have launched the nation's first cluster of headquarters for international science and technology organizations.

Anonymous669 (2023-06-03). Iran Releases Three European Citizens In Deal Involving Oman, Belgium. southfront.org Iranian diplomat Assadollah Assadi who was freed by Belgium. | On June 2, Iran freed two Austrian and one Danish citizens in a follow up to a recent Oman-brokered prisoner swap deal that saw the release of an Iranian diplomat by Belgium. | Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg said he was "very relieved" that Kamran Ghaderi and Massud Mossaheb were being brought home after "years of arduous imprisonment in Iran." | From his side, Denmark's foreign minister, Lars Là∏kke Rasmussen, s…

Anonymous669 (2023-06-03). Egypt Says Policeman Who Killed Three Israeli Soldiers Was Pursuing Drug Smugglers. southfront.org Egyptian Army soldiers in Sinai peninsula, By the Egyptian Ministry of Defense. | The Egyptian military said that a policeman who In a statement, a spokesman for the military said that "a member of the security forces breached the border security barrier" while in pursuit of the smuggl…

Anonymous669 (2023-06-03). Egyptian Policeman Kills Three Israeli Soldiers In Unusual Border Attack. southfront.org Commander of the IDF Southern Command, Major Genernal Eliezer Toledano, isat the scene of the deadly clashes on the Egyptian border. Via (@manniefabian) account on Twitter. | On June 3, three soldiers of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) were killed and non-commissioned officer was wounded in a Initially, the IDF said that two soldiers manning a…

Anonymous669 (2023-06-03). Two Israelis Wounded By Gunfire Along Border With Egypt. southfront.org Female soldiers operate a tank in the Negev desert in an undated photograph. (Israel Defense Forces) | On June 3, two Israelis were wounded by gunfire in a "security incident" on the Egyptian border, according to the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). | In a brief statement, the IDF said that it had launched an investigation into the incident, which took place near the southern town of Nitzana."This morning there was a security incident in the Paran Regional Brigade area," IDF spokesman Rear Admiral D…

mforinoco (2023-06-03). Water Wars: Drought, Disputes, and Deadly Skirmishes Between Iran and the Taliban. orinocotribune.com By F.M. Shakil — June 1, 2023 | Recent border clashes have escalated tensions to a critical point between the Islamic Republic and the Taliban over Iran's unfulfilled water rights. Do the Taliban have a deeper motive, and what are their demands? | Long spells of drought in Afghanistan and southeastern Iran have reignited a decades-old dispute between the two countries over the equitable distribution of water from the Helmand River, which originates in the mountains north of Kabul, and flows through much of Afghanistan before emptying into the Sistan wetlands in Iran. | One factor contributing to the dispu…

teleSUR (2023-06-03). 3 Israeli Soldiers Killed in Gunfire on Israel-Egypt Border. telesurenglish.net On Saturday, an altercation transpired at the border between Israel and Egypt, resulting in the demise of three Israeli soldiers and a member of the Egyptian security forces, as reported by official statements released by the respective military entities. | Related: | According to a report issued by the Egyptian military, on Saturday, the altercation occurred between Egyptian security forces and drug smugglers near the border with Isra…

Fight Back (2023-06-03). Drop the charges against the Atlanta Solidarity Fund activists! fightbacknews.org Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Committee to Stop FBI Repression. | The Committee to Stop FBI Repression condemns the May 31 arrest of three organizers with the Atlanta Solidarity Fund (ASF). The arrest of the three organizers, who are being called the ASF 3, represents an increase in state repression against the Stop Cop City movement. The ASF has played a pivotal role in jail support and the bailing out of arrested Stop Cop City activists. | On the morning of May 31, the Atlanta Police Department and Georgia Bureau of Investigation conducted a militarized SWAT raid and ex…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-03). Mayo Clinic Minute: Reducing dementia risks. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Former first lady Rosalynn Carter has been diagnosed with dementia. A family statement, posted on The Carter Center website, says that she continues to live happily at home with her husband, enjoying spring in Plains, Georgia, and visits with loved ones. The statement goes on to say that it's hoped that sharing the family's news will increase important conversations at kitchen tables and in doctor's offices around the country. More than 55 million people worldwide are believed…

National Lawyers Guild (2023-06-03). NLG Condemns State Repression and Raids Against Atlanta Solidarity Fund Activists. indybay.org This morning, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) and Atlanta Police Department (APD) raided the homes of and arrested three activists with the Atlanta Solidarity Fund. These arrests are a clear attempt to silence protest and sever activists from legal counsel and community support.

Ryan Fatica, Unicorn Riot (2023-06-03). Three Atlanta Activists Arrested, Home Raided Over Bail Fund. indybay.org Around 9 a.m. on Wednesday, three members of the Atlanta Solidarity Fund were arrested during a raid by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) and the Atlanta Police Department and charged with money laundering and charity fraud.

Angela (2023-06-03). Sunday 6/4: Book launch- "Crossing Borders — The Search for Dignity in Palestine," by Christa Bruhn. indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Staff (2023-06-03). Toulouse action mobilizes for the liberation of Walid Daqqah, all Palestinian prisoners. samidoun.net Around the world, initiatives and actions have been growing in support of the freedom of Walid Daqqah, the Palestinian intellectual and freedom fighter imprisoned since 1986 by the Israeli occupation, especially inspired by the call of his family and the international campaign for his release. Daqqah was again refused early release on 31 May, despite …

Juan Negri (2023-06-03). Cumbre del G-7: øQué discutieron los países más ricos del mundo? globalizacion.ca La cumbre del G-7, reunida en mayo en Hiroshima, estuvo marcada por la guerra de Ucrania y las tensiones entre Estados Unidos y China. | La Cumbre del Grupo de los Siete (G-7) es un evento anual que reúne a los…

teleSUR, JCM (2023-06-03). Irán, Arabia Saudita, EAU y Omán formarán una alianza militar. telesurtv.net El comandante de la Armada iraní, el contraalmirante Shahram Irani, dice que el país formará nuevas alianzas regionales y extrarregionales para mejorar la seguridad.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-06-03). Argentina y China renuevan acuerdo del swap por tres años. telesurtv.net Ambas naciones anunciaron la apertura al mercado chino de nuevos productos como el maíz, frutos secos y sorgo.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-06-03). Tres soldados israelíes mueren en tiroteo en frontera con Egipto. telesurtv.net El incidente tuvo lugar cerca del cruce fronterizo de Nitzana y Al-Awja entre Israel y Egipto, ubicado a 40 km al sureste del punto donde convergen la frontera de Israel con Egipto y la Franja de Gaza.

teleSUR, MER (2023-06-03). Descarrilamientos de trenes en EE.UU. en 2023. telesurtv.net Uno de los descarrilamientos más recordados fue el reportado el pasado 3 de febrero en East Palestine, en el estado de Ohio.

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