Daily Archives: June 24, 2023

2023-06-24: News Headlines

Larry Johnson (2023-06-24). U.S. Military Shackled to China because of Rare Earth Minerals And Prigozhin Has a Psychotic Break. sonar21.com I want to touch on three issues. First, the dependence of the U.S. military industrial complex on rare earth minerals supplied by China and what that portends for war in…

Anonymous349 (2023-06-24). Armed Munity In Russia. Situation In Second Half Of June 24. southfront.org Police in Moscow | In the second half of June 24, the situation with the armed munity announced by the public head of PMC Wagner, Evgeny Prigozhin, reached to what could be described as the first breaking point. | According to reports, forward detachments of the Wagner units loyal to Prigozhin are about to reach Moscow Region (unconfirmed reports claim that Wagner units entered Tula Region). The movement of Wagner units took place amid little clashes with security forces. | Russian security forces and military mostly…

Anonymous349 (2023-06-24). Prigozhin Announces Start Of Rebellion Attempt In Russia. Situation In First Half Of June 24. southfront.org Evgeny Prigozhin in Rostov-on-Don | Amid the developing large-scale offensive of the Kyiv regime on Russian forces in Zaporozhye Region and South Donetsk sector, the head of PMC Wagner Evgeny Prigozhin made a series of loud statements. He accused of the defense minister and the head of the General staff of various crimes as well as announcing the beginning of "the elimination of evil in the face of the military leadership of the country." | Reacting to this situation, the anti-terrorism committee of the Russian…

Anonymous349 (2023-06-24). Prigozhin Says He Is Not Going To Fulfill Orders Of Putin, FSB Or Anyone Else. southfront.org ILLUSTRATIVE IMAGE: Evgeny Prigozhin | On June 24, Evgeny Prigozhin, the public head of PMC Wagner, made another statement claiming that he and his fighters are not going to surrender and lay down arms."And no one is going to turn themselves in at the request of the president, the FSB or anyone else…" All those who oppose him, Prigozhin called "rallied round the scum." | On top of this, Prigozhin described himself as a real 'patriot' making another round of accusations against Russian leadership. With such populist sta…

Anonymous349 (2023-06-24). Putin Delivers Address To Nation. Russia Is Engaged In 'Hard Fight For Its Future' (Video). southfront.org On June 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin made an address to the nation regarding the developing situation with PMC Wagner and its head Evgeny Prigozhin. | In a televised speech, the Russian President said that the attempted rebellion amounts to a betrayal of Russia and its people. Putin emphasized that the country's law enforcement agencies will take decisive actions to restore order. | He noted that Russia is engaged in a historic struggle to safeguard its future while "r…

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-06-24). Putin: Exorbitant ambitions drive the armed rebellion. plenglish.com Moscow, Jun 24 (Prensa Latina) Russian President Vladimir Putin described the call for an armed rebellion organized by the head of the Wagner Group, Evgeni Prigozhin, as treason motivated by "exorbitant ambitions."

teleSUR (2023-06-24). Wagner Group Rebellion a Deadly Threat, President Putin Says. telesurenglish.net On Saturday, Russian President Vladímir Vladímirovich Putin, while referring to the mutiny of the leader of the private military group Wagner, Yevgeny Prigozhin, said that any act of armed rebellion in his country is a deadly threat. | Related: | Vladimir Putin assured that the Russian Armed Forces were ordered to neutralize those participating in the armed insurgency led by Prigozhin. | In his message to the Russian people, the Presiden…

Anonymous669 (2023-06-24). Russian Army Resumes Airstrikes On Terrorists In Syria Amid Wagner Mutiny (Photos). southfront.org Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter. | Russian military operations against terrorist groups in Syria continues, despite the ongoing armed mutiny by the Wagner Group in Russia. | On June 24, warplanes of the Russian Aerospace Forces carried out a new wave of airstrikes on the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib, which is controlled by al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and several other terrorist groups. | The airstrikes targeted al-Khudor hill in the northern Lattakia c…

Anonymous669 (2023-06-24). Wagner Mutineers Fire Anti-Aircraft Missile At Russian Attack Helicopter Over Voronezh (Videos). southfront.org Illustrative image. | Fighters from the Wagner Group, which is now waging an armed mutiny, attempted to shoot down a Russian attack helicopter over the city of Voronezh while advancing towards the Russian capital, Moscow, on June 24. | The fighters fired a missile from a Strela-10 short-range air defense system at the helicopter, a Ka-52. However, the helicopter fired flares and was able to dodge the missile, which apparently went on to hit a fuel depot and started a massive fire. | Earlier reports said that Wagner…

Scott Ritter (2023-06-24). Civil War in Russia? Wagner Troops Rebellion — SCOTT RITTER. thealtworld.com

ecns.cn (2023-06-24). Putin calls Wagner mutiny 'treason' in televised address. ecns.cn "Any internal turmoil is a deadly threat to our statehood, to us as a nation. This is a blow to Russia, to our people. And our actions to protect the motherland from such a threat will be tough," Putin said in the televised address to the nation.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-06-24). Russian Defense Ministry urges Wagner not to participate in rebellion. plenglish.com Moscow, Jun 24 (Prensa Latina) The Russian Defense Ministry affirmed that the fighters of the Wagner private military company were dragged into a criminal adventure by means of deception, and called on them to refuse to take part in an armed insurgency.

Drago Bosnic (2023-06-24). Why US Plan for Localized Russia-Ukraine Nuclear War Doomed to Fail. globalresearch.ca

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. (2023-06-24). Can The European Leg Of The Triad Break Free From The Atlantic Alliance? popularresistance.org It is difficult to make sense of many events these days. France's behaviour, for instance, is hard to square. On the one hand, French President Emmanuel Macron changed his mind to support Ukraine's entry into the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). On the other hand, he said that France would like to attend the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) summit in South Africa in August. Europe is, of course, not an entirely homogeneous continent, with problems afoot as Hungary and Turkey have refused to ratify Sweden's desire to enter NATO at its annual summit in Vilnius (Lithuania) in July.

Anonymous669 (2023-06-24). Russian MoD Announces Strikes On Ukrainian Engineering, Reconnaissance & Storage Facilities (Videos). southfront.org File image. | On June 24, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that it had struck several key facilities of Kiev forces in different parts of Ukraine. | The ministry said in a statement that the Russian Aerospace Forces launched an attack with long-range precision-guided against engineering and reconnaissance centers as well as aviation equipment of Kiev forces in Kanatovo and Dnepr airfields. | In addition, a storage facility of British-supplied Storm Shadow cruise missiles at a Ukrainian air base lo…

Anonymous669 (2023-06-24). Ukraine Attacks Russia's Kursk With Drones As Its Forces Struggle With Counteroffensive (Videos). southfront.org File image. | Ukraine launched an attack at the western Russian region of Kursk with two suicide drones on June 23 as its forces continue to struggle with their counteroffensive. | Kursk Governor Roman Starovoit said in a statement that both drones were shot down by Russian air defenses. The governor added that there was no significant infrastructure damage."Last night, our air defenses shot down unmanned aerial vehicles in the sky over Kursk. The fragments that fell to a land plot of a gardeners' partnership in…

Anand Naidoo (2023-06-24). The Heat: Russia-Ukraine Conflict. america.cgtn.com The Ukraine counteroffensive to regain territories is going slower than expected, as some analysts claim this conflict could last decades. "Is not like a Hollywood movie." That's how Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy described the counteroffensive to repel Russian forces. He was alluding to the fact …

unitedEditor (2023-06-24). "We need to harmonize the doctrine of Eurasianism in Türkiye and Russia" uwidata.com The Russian Orthodox Church occupies a prominent position among Russia's important institutions. It has influence not only within Russia but also across a vast region. We had the opportunity to address Türkiye-Russia relations, multipolarity, the conflict in Ukraine, the activities of the Fener Greek Patriarch, and the current global trends with Hieromonk Stefan Igumnov who …

Eric Zuesse (2023-06-24). Now the Pay-off Comes from Blowing Up the Nord Stream Pipeline. dissidentvoice.org On June 23, Jamison Cocklin headlined at Natural Gas Intelligence, "Venture Global Set to Become Germany's Biggest Long-Term LNG Supplier" and reported: "Venture Global LNG Inc. has agreed to supply a state-owned German company with the super-chilled fuel for two decades as European offtakers continue to line up deals to replace Russian natural gas imports." …

Anonymous669 (2023-06-24). Russian Airstrikes Hit Syria's Greater Idlib After Deadly Drone Attacks (Video). southfront.org 2712070 10/04/2015 Russian servicemen attach a Kh-25 high-precision missile to a Su-24 aircraft at the Khmeimim airbase in Syria. Dmitriy Vinogradov/RIA Novosti | Late on June 23, a series of Russian airstrikes targeted the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib, which is controlled by al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and other terrorist groups. | The Russian airstrikes hit the outskirts of the towns of Sharorah in the northern Lattakia countryside and Gassaniah in the western c…

Editor (2023-06-24). Canadian sanctions on Russia: Powerless rage with a boomerang effect. mronline.org Canada's recent seizure of a Russian an-124 cargo plane, which had been delivering COVID supplies when it was grounded in February 2022 at Pearson Airport (it was forced to pay a fee for every minute, despite being trapped there), is another sanction among many others.

sforinoco (2023-06-24). EU Gives Green Light to New Sanctions Against Russia. orinocotribune.com

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-06-24). Counterterrorist regime declared in Moscow and homonymous province. plenglish.com Moscow, Jun 24 (Prensa Latina) Russia's National Anti-Terrorism Committee announced that the counterterrorist regime for Moscow and the province of the same name was decreed in order to prevent possible terrorist attacks.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-06-24). Maria Zakharova: The enemy is betting on a civil war in Russia. plenglish.com Moscow, Jun 24 (Prensa Latina) Russia's enemies are betting that a civil war will break out in the country, but there will be none, the spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, declared on Saturday.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-06-24). Russian Senate ratifies support for President Putin. plenglish.com Moscow, Jun 24 (Prensa Latina) The Federation Council fully supports the country's president, Vladimir Putin, and understands the importance of his leadership in all Russian regions, said the upper house leader Valentina Matvienko.

Stansfield Smith (2023-06-24). Liberal and Left Silence on National Security Police State When Used Against Trump and His Supporters. orinocotribune.com By Stansfield Smith — Jun 21, 2023 | The National Security police state now regards the Democratic Party as a more useful tool to criminalize opposition to US wars and maintain their control over the US government. We see this in the attack on the Uhuru Movement as being in the pay of Russia, in the imprisonment and torture of Julian Assange, in the jailing of numerous whistleblowers, in the censoring of hundreds of anti-war websites, claiming they spread Russian "disinformation." Unfortunately, not a few who consider themselves on the left or liberals acquiesce to these attacks. Many actually repeat them.

Natalia Marques, People's Dispatch. (2023-06-24). Chinese-American Worker And Activist Arrested For Advocating For Peace. popularresistance.org Labor leaders and organizers are banding together to demand justice for Chinese-American unionized worker and activist Li Tang "Henry" Liang. Liang was indicted and then arrested in early May in Boston in retaliation for exercising his free speech rights. "The federal government has targeted Liang for advocating peaceful relations between the US and China," say labor activists in the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance of the AFL-CIO, the largest trade union in the US. | As a hotel worker, Liang was an active member in his union, UNITE HERE Local 26. He is also an activist in the Chinese-American community, ral…

ecns.cn (2023-06-24). Insights | China's poverty reduction experience instructive for Latin America: Honduran official. ecns.cn One of the main things that Latin America could learn from China is the strategy used for poverty elimination, said Marcela Arias, minister at the Permanent Mission of Honduras to the UN and Other International Organizations based in Geneva, on Thursday in an interview with China News Network.

Staff (2023-06-24). Repression and Resistance in France: Victory for Salah Hamouri in Lyon; Herault prefecture bans Palestine demonstration. samidoun.net On Thursday, 22 June, the Collectif 69 in Support of the Palestinian People, in Lyon, France, organized a public meeting on colonization and apartheid in occupied Palestine, with guest speakers Jean-Claude Samouiller, the president of Amnesty France, and Salah Hamouri, the French-Palestinian lawyer and former political prisoner who was forcibly deported from Palestine and stripped …

Michael F. Brown (2023-06-24). Biden won't protect Palestinian Americans from Israeli attacks. electronicintifada.net Ambassador Tom Nides emptily claims that US "will not stand by" as settlers use violence.

Anonymous669 (2023-06-24). Iran To Increase Range Of Fattah Hypersonic Missile To 2,000 Kilometers. southfront.org Illustrative image. | The range of the next version of the Iranian Fattah hypersonic ballistic missile will be extended to 2,000 kilometers, commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Aerospace Force, who developed the missile, announced on June 24. | Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh made the announcement while attending a ceremony in the northern province of Mazandaran."Today, we have achieved all complex technologies in the field of the defense industry," the commander said during the ceremony, accordi…

Teri Mattson, WtF is Going on in Latin America, the Caribbean. (2023-06-24). Alex Saab, Three Years As A Kidnapped Diplomat. popularresistance.org June 12, 2023 was the third anniversary of the illegal kidnapping and imprisonment by the US of Alex Saab. | Because the brutality and cruelty of the US blockade was wreaking havoc on the economy and millions of the most vulnerable in Venezuela were being deliberately denied their human rights to the most basic necessities of daily life, President Nicolas Maduro tasked Saab with traveling around the world procuring food, medicines and fuel for his country. | Breaking every treaty, protocol, law and norm of international diplomacy, the US plotted to have Saab arrested while in transit to Iran to fulfill his diplom…

Editor (2023-06-24). And then Biden blew it … mronline.org The Biden talk, made official by posting it on the White House site, is an insult to China. Whatever Blinken has said or done to smooth the relations is now gone. It was already known that the U.S. can not be trusted with anything that it says. What counts is what the U.S. does and there it has so far shown no positive move towards China.

thecommunists (2023-06-24). How the USA practices so-called 'coercive diplomacy'. thecommunists.org We sum up below the evidence presented in a report by our comrades in the Communist Party of China, to which a few of comments of our own have been added. ***** Diplomacy is the art, science and means by which nations, groups or individuals conduct their affairs, in ways to safeguard their interests and …

ecns.cn (2023-06-24). Cradle of Civilization: Huizhou Ancient Town. ecns.cn Huizhou Ancient Town, a tourist spot of Shexian county, Anhui province, is one of China's four best-preserved ancient towns. In the town, tourists can enjoy the charm of ancient Huizhou-style architecture dating back to the Ming and Qing dynasties.

krish-rad_ind (2023-06-24). Blinken Must Be Angry that Biden Killed Any Chance for a U.S.-China Summit. theduran.com

Yasiel Betancourt Clavijo (2023-06-24). Uruguayan exporters concerned about competitiveness and drop in sales. plenglish.com "Exports in May fell for the ninth consecutive month and this time the drop was 31.2 percent," Teresa Aishemberg, executive secretary of the Uruguayan Exporters Union, told local media. | This drop is mainly explained by lower sales to China, which completed a year of declines in the purchase of meat, seeds, timber and fish, Aishemberg noted. | She described as a constraint the Government's exchange rate policy with respect to the dollar, which continues to fall here while in other countries the US currency recorded increases in May and in the accumulated balance. | "The exchange difference that was generated la…

ecns.cn (2023-06-24). Indonesia abuzz as first high-speed railway nears launch. ecns.cn The railway, a landmark project under the Belt and Road Initiative between China and Indonesia, is scheduled to start operating in mid August.

ecns.cn (2023-06-24). China extends NEV purchase tax breaks. ecns.cn China will extend purchase tax breaks on new energy vehicles to the end of 2027, according to a statement issued by the Ministry of Finance.

ecns.cn (2023-06-24). Drug control body says U.S. smearing China over fentanyl. ecns.cn China's drug control authority has expressed strong dissatisfaction with the United States' smearing of China and sanctions on Chinese companies and individuals for allegedly involved in drugs.

ecns.cn (2023-06-24). 'CunBA' in SW China's Guizhou treats guests with 'High Mountains and Flowing Water'. ecns.cn The opening game of the Harmonious Countryside Basketball League (CunBA) was held in Taipan Village, Qiandongnan Prefecture, southwest China's Guizhou Province on Tuesday night.

ecns.cn (2023-06-24). Apart from China, which other countries celebrate Duanwu Festival. ecns.cn Duanwu Festival is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month each year in China.

ecns.cn (2023-06-24). Barbecue restaurant explosion kills 31 in NW China's Ningxia. ecns.cn According to witnesses at the scene, a gas tank in the barbecue restaurant on the first floor exploded, detonating the gas pipeline on the second floor.

ecns.cn (2023-06-24). World's first railroad-bridge operating machine triples efficiency. ecns.cn "ÄÄ"Taihang," the world's first all-in-one machine for girder replacement, transport and erection was put into operation on Tuesday in Huanghua of Cangzhou City, north China's Hebei Province."ÄÄ…

Staff (2023-06-24). Take Action: Send a letter, tell the Canada Pension Plan to divest $10 billion investments in Israeli war crimes! samidoun.net

youtube (2023-06-24). The Banned Video Israel Doesn't Want You To See. youtube.com Is this what they don't want you to know?>

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-06-24). Palestine condemns statements by far-right Israeli minister. plenglish.com Ramallah, Jun 24 (Prensa Latina) The Palestinian government described as aberrational and genocidal the statements made by Israeli Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir, who called for launching a large-scale military operation in the West Bank to "kill thousands of terrorists."

Staff (2023-06-24). Palestinian Resistance Condemns Settlers' Attack on Mosque. orinocotribune.com Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad condemned settlers' attack on a mosque in Urif, where they burned and tore copies of the Holy Quran. | On Friday, June 23, Hamas condemned the desecration of mosques and the burning of copies of the Quran in the village of Urif, south of Nablus. | In the organization's view, what happened is a heinous crime and a serious escalation of the religious war waged by Israeli institutions.

Ping-Tao Tseng, Bing-Syuan Zeng, Chih-Sung Liang (2023-06-24). Correspondence] We are human, not artificial intelligence—medical teaching innovation in Taiwan. thelancet.com We appreciated Sandro Vento's Correspondence addressing the merit of a conducive environment in medical learning.1 With artificial intelligence development booming in recent years, there is a lot of interest in applying artificial intelligence to medical education to quickly produce many new doctors to resolve the problems of insufficient medical resources. However, lots of arguments have emerged about whether quickly produced new doctors have sufficient humanity in clinical practice. Here, we provide alternative experiences of medical education in Taiwan, which might be helpful for medical education providers ar…

Manlio Dinucci (2023-06-24). La "Soluzione Coreana" per l'Europa | Grandangolo — Pangea. globalresearch.ca La "Conferenza sulla ripresa dell'Ucraina", svoltasi a Londra, segna il passaggio a una nuova fase della guerra contro la Russia: USA, NATO e UE non solo continuano ad armare le forze di Kiev, ma si stanno preparando a trasformare l'Europa …

teleSUR, JCM (2023-06-24). Detienen a responsables de explosión de restaurante en China. telesurtv.net El violento incidente se produjo este jueves 22 de junio en un restaurante de barbacoa en la región autónoma de la etnia hui de Ningxia, en el noroeste de China.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-06-24). Decretan alerta roja por calor en Beijing, China. telesurtv.net La administración municipal de respuesta de emergencia aconsejó a quienes residen en Beijing a no exponerse al aire libre.

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