2022-03-01: News Headlines

CODEPINK, Pivot to Peace (2022-03-01). Sunday 2/27: The Shanghai Communiqué: Key to Peace Webinar. indybay.org Online event (FREE)…

ecns.cn (2022-03-01). China welcomes Ukraine-Russia negotiations, hopes for continuation: spokesperson. ecns.cn China has always supported and encouraged all diplomatic efforts that are conducive to the peaceful settlement of the Ukraine crisis, and welcomes the launch of peace talks between Russia and Ukraine, a foreign ministry spokesperson said Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2022-03-01). Ping-Pong Diplomacy witness says China-U.S. relations doesn't come easily. ecns.cn China-U.S. relations didn't come easily in the past five decades, with the friendship set to play a positive role in building a peaceful world, said Zheng Minzhi, a former Chinese Ping Pong player and witness of Ping-Pong Diplomacy.

ecns.cn (2022-03-01). China-made Sabin Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine achieves WHO prequalification. ecns.cn China's National Medical Products Administration on Tuesday announced that the country's Sabin Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine (Vero Cell) developed by Sinopharm has won the prequalification of the World Health Organization (WHO).

ecns.cn (2022-03-01). Tianjin Port opens new ocean route to Vietnam. ecns.cn Containers were steadily hoisted to "Venus Bright," a ship at Tianjin Port Alliance International Container Terminal, on Monday morning, marking the official opening of Tianjin Port's CAX (China Australia Express), the first ocean route to Australia after the RCEP came into effect.

ecns.cn (2022-03-01). Chinese tech giants strive to achieve carbon neutrality. ecns.cn China's leading tech companies have been making efforts to reduce their carbon footprint, aligning with the government's pledge to peak the country's carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060.

ecns.cn (2022-03-01). China's manufacturing PMI up in February. ecns.cn The purchasing managers' index (PMI) for China's manufacturing sector came in at 50.2 in February, up from 50.1 in January, data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) showed Tuesday.

Dave DeCamp (2022-03-01). White House Official Says US Can Focus on Two Theaters as It Did in WWII. news.antiwar.com With all eyes on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, President Biden's top Asia official on the National Security Council said Monday that the US can still focus on increasing its "engagement" in the Asia Pacific to counter China. | "It'

ecns.cn (2022-03-01). China's customs returns 241.8 tonnes of imported waste. ecns.cn The Fuzhou Customs in southeast China's Fujian Province said on Tuesday that it refused the entry of 241.8 tonnes of imported solid waste into the country.

ecns.cn (2022-03-01). China to replenish pork reserves to stabilize market. ecns.cn China's top economic planner announced Monday to stockpile pork, the country's staple meat, to replenish state reserves, as an index monitoring pork prices have dropped below a warning level.

ecns.cn (2022-03-01). World's first LNG dual-fuel oil tanker commissioned in COSCO's fleet. ecns.cn The world's first LNG dual-fuel crude oil tanker has been delivered to China's shipping giant COSCO Shipping.

ecns.cn (2022-03-01). Helping hands disperse children's dark clouds. ecns.cn He Fan's clinic at a Beijing hospital isn't large and is sparsely furnished with an office desk and two chairs, and a glass partition that separates an adjoining room.

ecns.cn (2022-03-01). Getting ready for Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympics. ecns.cn Beijing, the city that hosted the 2008 Paralympics, will once again become the center stage of the Paralympic movement as the Winter Games is going to be held from March 4 to 13.

ecns.cn (2022-03-01). HK to hire 1,000 caregivers from mainland. ecns.cn Law Chi-kwong, Hong Kong's secretary for Labour and Welfare, said Tuesday that half of the city's 1,000 residential care homes are embroiled in the pandemic and the city is in dire need of helping hands in the hard-hit nursing homes.

ecns.cn (2022-03-01). Colored murals discovered in ancient tomb in Shanxi. ecns.cn The well-preserved murals depicted different themes of the time, such as tea serving and drinks preparation.

Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (2022-02-28). Foreign Agents Designation Causes Media Cold War. fair.org The US government in 2020 declared five Chinese media entities to be "not independent news organizations" but rather "effectively controlled by the [Chinese] government" (Politico, Most nations have some form of state media. These days, it's pretty easy for Americans to access any number of foreign state media outlets, and many of them have journalists covering US affairs. Some of those journalists must register as "foreign agents" with the US government. But others don't have to—a distinction that h…

Anonymous103 (2022-02-28). War In Ukraine, The West's Propaganda War Is The End Of Democracy. southfront.org Tianjin explosion in China | Written by Piero Messina | Vladimir Putin has become "Putler", something halfway between Putin and Hitler. For the less aggressive, the Russian president is Vlad the Mad. "There has never been a genocide against the pro-Russian populations in Donbass. Nazi formations do not exist and have never existed in Ukraine and there has been no massacre in Odessa. Putin threatens the world and must be stopped." Western media is treating the Ukrainian crisis as if it were selling soap bars w…

Kim Scipes (2022-02-28). As Workers Win Victories in Mexico, It's Important to Remember Past Machinations Against Them. covertactionmagazine.com Mexico's reenergized labor movement should be leery of AFL-CIO cooptation and CIA infiltration following long historical pattern In early February, …

WSWS (2022-02-28). Three international studies of the origins of coronavirus refute the fabricated Wuhan "lab leak" claim. wsws.org Three just-released studies provide substantive evidence for the natural origin of SARS-CoV-2, with Huanan market in Wuhan, China the location of the first zoonotic (animal to human) transfer.

Jason Ditz (2022-02-28). UN Security Council Set to Vote on Arms Embargo for Yemen's Houthis. news.antiwar.com On Monday, the UN Security Council It's not clear how the vote will shape up, with expected Western support but no clear position taken by Russia or China, either of whom could veto it. The UAE's narrative leans heavily on the idea that Iran is providing the arms to the…

John Feffer (2022-02-28). India and the Future of the Planet. fpif.org In November 2021, India took two controversial climate actions that bookended the COP26 meeting in Glasgow. First, at the beginning of the UN gathering, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that India would become carbon neutral by 2070. Then, as negotiators were hammering out a final deal, India joined China, Australia, Saudi Arabia, and a handful of other countries in exerting pressure to change the language on coal from "phase out" to "phase down." | Setting a goal for carbon neutrality and agreeing even to phase down coal were both steps forward for India on climate issues. But the country also absorbed cri…

Staff (2022-02-28). China comments on Western sanctions against Russia. rt.com Beijing claims that restrictions will not solve problems in Ukraine | The Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Monday that it opposes the use of unilateral sanctions to resolve the crisis in Ukraine after Russia's decision to launch an attack on the country with the stated goal to "demilitarize" it. Western powers have announced a raft of punitive measures, including on the Russian economy and its banking sector. | Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin told a regular news briefing that sanctions will not solve problems but will create new ones. He claimed that sanctions will interfere with the process of…

Staff (2022-02-28). Suben acciones de compañías chinas del sistema de pagos interbancarios por la expulsión de bancos rusos del SWIFT. cubadebate.cu Tras la decisión tomada por EE.UU., la Unión Europea, el Reino Unido, Canadá y Corea del Sur de eliminar a algunos bancos rusos del sistema interbancario SWIFT, varias compañías chinas vinculadas al sistema alternativo de pagos interbancarios del gigante asiático han comenzado a experimentar significativas ganancias…

WSWS (2022-02-28). Three international studies into the origins of coronavirus refute the fabricated Wuhan "lab leak" claim. wsws.org Three just-released studies provide substantive evidence for the natural origin of SARS-CoV-2, with the Huanan market in Wuhan, China the location of the first zoonotic (animal to human) transfer.

WSWS (2022-02-28). Omicron wave overwhelms health system in Hong Kong. wsws.org The distressing scenes at hospitals are a distinct contrast with the systemic actions repeatedly being taken by the Beijing government to suppress COVID-19 outbreaks.

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