Monthly Archives: June 2024

2024-06-25: News Headlines

infobrics (2024-06-25). Turkish Foreign Minister Reaffirms Ankara's Desire to Become Part of Brics Bloc. China is ready to strengthen strategic alignment with Turkey to counter "power politics" on the international stage, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told his Turkish counterpart, Hakan Fidan…

newleftreview (2024-06-25). Richard Beck: Bidenism Abroad. Panoramic survey of US foreign policy as Washington attempts to maintain its global hegemony in conditions of faltering growth. Containing China, confronting Russia, driving decarbonization: each of Biden's stated aims has been beset by insoluble contradictions from the outset, Richard Beck argues, now compounded by Israel's punitive war on Gaza.

Geopolitical Economics (2024-06-25). A look inside China: Is this the most sovereign country on Earth? Journalist Ben Norton discusses his experience living in China. | China went through a partial colonialization, a century of humiliation. | China is responsible for 3/4 of all poverty reduction and has lifted 800 million out of extreme poverty…

latintimes (2024-06-25). China Lunar Probe Returns To Earth With Samples. It comes bearing soil and rocks from the side of the Moon facing away from Earth, a poorly understood region that scientists say holds great research promise because its rugged features are less smoothed over by ancient lava flows than the near side.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-06-25). China's probe returned to Earth with samples from far side of Moon. Beijing, Jun 25 (Prensa Latina) In a global first, the Chang'e-6 probe successfully landed in China on Tuesday carrying samples from the far side of the Moon.

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-06-25). Chinese President celebrates success of Chang'e-6 lunar mission. Beijing, Jun 25 (Prensa Latina) Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday celebrated the success of the Chang'e-6 mission that managed to bring back to Earth the first samples from the hidden face of the Moon.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-06-25). Sonda china trajo a la Tierra muestras de cara oculta de la Luna. Beijing, 25 jun (RHC) La sonda Chang'e-6 aterrizó hoy de forma exitosa en China con muestras de la cara oculta de la Luna por primera ocasión en la historia de la humanidad.

tvbrics (2024-06-25). Beijing conducts business dialogue forum with Ethiopia to exchange experience in livestock farming. The forum aims to strengthen bilateral cooperation between the countries…

WSWS (2024-06-25). Putin meets Vietnamese leaders as US accelerates military build-up in Asia. The Russian president's trip to Vietnam was aimed at countering Washington's aggressive actions throughout the Indo-Pacific aimed against both Russia and China. (2024-06-25). Two scientists win China's top sci-tech award for 2023. Two Chinese scientists, Li Deren and Xue Qikun, won China's top science award on Monday for their contributions to the country's science and technology development.

Reuters (2024-06-25). Chinese fast-fashion giant Shein filed for London IPO in early June, sources say. The company has also updated China's securities regulator officially about its change of listing venue, the sources say.

Frank Chen,Ji Siqi (2024-06-25). Chinese premier rebuffs 'bloc confrontation', talks up open markets in 'Summer Davos' address. In a keynote address to the 'Summer Davos' forum, Chinese Premier Li Qiang offered a strong critique of Western trade restrictions while also pitching the country as a welcoming place for overseas firms. (2024-06-25). Chinese President Xi Jinping meets Polish President Andrzej Duda in Beijing. Xi held talks with Duda at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Monday. (2024-06-25). Chinese visitors to Dubai seen surging. There has been a significant surge in Chinese tourists to Dubai, the city's Department of Economy and Tourism (DET) said during a roadshow in Shanghai last week. (2024-06-25). First cross-broader electric coach linking Hong Kong and Shenzhen starts operation. An inauguration ceremony for the operation of first cross-border electric tourist coach between Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Shenzhen City in Guangdong Province is held at a cross-boundary coach terminal in Sheung Shui, Hong Kong on June 24.

Igor Patrick (2024-06-25). On China and AI, US sends mixed message about talks to ban the technology from nuclear use. While State Department's No 2 touts dialogue, a National Security Council official points to Beijing's disagreement with long-stated policy.

aljazeera (2024-06-25). Video: Chinese moon probe returns to Earth with rock samples. China's Chang'e 6 moon probe has landed back on Earth after a 53-day journey.

Bochen Han (2024-06-25). Canada considers imposing new import tariffs on Chinese EVs. Canada's auto sector faces 'unfair competition from China's intentional, state-directed policy of overcapacity', says the Canadian finance ministry. (2024-06-25). U.S. lens on investments to hinder AI, chip sectors. Washington's latest proposal to restrict and monitor U.S. companies' and individuals' investments in key technologies in China will jeopardize the global artificial intelligence and semiconductor supply chains. (2024-06-25). Bond with Kuliang: 2024 China-U.S. Youth Festival kicks off in Fuzhou. The Bond with Kuliang: 2024 China-U.S. Youth Festival opened in Fuzhou, southeast China's Fujian Province on Monday. (2024-06-25). Reusable carrier rocket passes the 'hop test'. China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp, the nation's leading space contractor, conducted a major technological test on Sunday, bringing the company closer to its goal of building the nation's first reusable carrier rocket. (2024-06-25). Nation sees surge in blue-collar work. China's job market is experiencing a surge in blue-collar professions, fueled by the nation's economic transformation and a growing need for skilled workers. (2024-06-25). China to further open up market for foreign businesses. China will further open up its vast domestic market for foreign businesses through a slew of measures. (2024-06-25). (W.E. Talk) How to meet the challenges posed by AI using Marxism views. In the latest W.E. Talk with China News Service, Xu Feng, deputy director of the United Front Theory Department at the Central Institute of Socialism, said that the answer to the question of whether there will be an emergence of autonomous consciousness as a result of AI's autonomous learning is still controversial, and the standards and criteria for examining it are varied.In his opinion, there is still a high probability that humankind will be able to control AI as much as possible and make it work for humankind and will not rapidly go in the direction of alienation and dissimulation."ÄÄ"&…

G. Bin Zhao (2024-06-25). How to read China's economic report card for the first 5 months of 2024. While some sectors may be holding back China's economic recovery, the country's long-term outlook shows promise.

aljazeera (2024-06-25). China's lunar probe Chang'e-6 returns from far side of the moon. China remains the only country to land a probe on the side of the moon that is always facing away from Earth. (2024-06-25). National Land Day: China's spectacular landscapes. China's National Land Day, observed on June 25, celebrates the country's rich soil diversity, crucial for its agricultural success. From the humus-rich black soil in the northeast to the brick-red soil in the south, these soils contribute to China's stunning scenery. Lush mountains piercing through clouds, patchwork rice terraces, and tranquil rivers with fishermen and cormorants create a paradise for dreamers and photographers alike. (2024-06-25). Amex bullish on China credit card biz. American Express sees great potential in China's credit card market and is ready to further increase investment in the country as needed, said the head of the global financial services corporation's joint venture in China. (2024-06-25). Global governance school set to boost country's role on world stage. The Shanghai University of International Business and Economics inaugurated the School of Global Governance, the first of its kind in Shanghai, on May 27, with the aim of training young talented Chinese to work in the global arena.

Robert Delaney,Khushboo Razdan (2024-06-25). US No 2 envoy claims Moscow-Pyongyang pact has left Beijing 'somewhat anxious'. Chinese officials 'have indicated so in some of our interactions', Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell tells Council of Foreign Relations. (2024-06-25). (W.E. Talk) British scholar: China is better placed to cope with possible dangers of AI. The development of AI should be regulated, and compared to the United States, China is better placed to cope with the possible dangers of AI, said David McLellan, author of Karl Marx: A Biography, in the latest W.E. Talk.

Robert Delaney (2024-06-25). US No 2 envoy claims Moscow-Pyongyang pact has left Beijing 'somewhat anxious'. Chinese officials 'have indicated so in some of our interactions', Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell tells Council of Foreign Relations. (2024-06-25). Low-altitude economy hitting new heights. As the low-altitude economy gains traction nationwide, local governments across China are exploring region-specific ways to leverage their unique strengths and create their own industry clusters.

Holly Chik (2024-06-25). Chinese firms in US see more negative business climate amid 'significant' downturn: survey. Trade tensions and 'hostile public sentiment' fuel findings, with dips in performance resembling 2020 when coronavirus pandemic hit globally.

Oiwan Lam (2024-06-25). Censorship and isolation as China bans thousands of mobile apps. Top 10 most downloaded apps worldwide are unavailable or inaccessible in ChinaOriginally published on Image © 2024 Appcensorship. Used with permission. | When the US House of Representatives passed the legislation that would force ByteDance to sell TikTok, a popular video app, to an American company or face being banned in… (2024-06-25). Italian businesses use CIIE platform to expand in China market. Italian businesses have been keen to seek entry to and expand in the Chinese market through the China International Import Expo, which takes place in November every year in Shanghai since 2018. (2024-06-25). Chang'e 6 lunar probe on its way back to Earth. China's Chang'e 6 lunar probe is on its way back to Earth and will land in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region today. (2024-06-25). HKSAR government vehemently opposes U.S. Trafficking in Persons Report 2024. The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) strongly objected to the unsubstantiated remarks about Hong Kong in the Trafficking in Persons Report 2024 (Report) of the Department of State of the United States. (2024-06-25). Icebreaking ship for marine research delivered. China bolstered its marine research and disaster preparedness capabilities on Monday with the delivery of a new domestically designed icebreaking survey vessel, Ji Di. (2024-06-25). Chinese light rail in Saudi Arabia carries over 2 mln pilgrims during Hajj. A rail service built and operated by China played a critical role in facilitating the annual Hajj pilgrimage this year amid scorching temperatures in Saudi Arabia. (2024-06-25). Xi to attend conference marking 70th anniversary of Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. Chinese President Xi Jinping will attend the Conference Marking the 70th Anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and deliver an important speech on June 28 in Beijing. (2024-06-25). China's unilateral visa-free policy boosts Polish netizens' searches for China tourism. Searches for China-related keywords on travel platforms by Polish users increased by 40 percent compared to the previous day, according to media reports, following China's decision on Monday to implement a 15-day unilateral visa-free policy for Polish citizens. (2024-06-25). MOFCOM deplores U.S. government plan to curb outbound investment in Chinese technology firms. China's Commerce Ministry on Monday hit back at the U.S.' plans to curb new U.S. investment in critical Chinese tech industries, saying China firmly opposes the U.S.' coercive move and reserves the right to take counter measures.

teleSUR, idg, JCM (2024-06-25). Venezuela y China muestran sintonía en agenda bilateral. La visita es una invitación del ministro chino de Relaciones Exteriores, Wang Yi, miembro del Buró Político del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de China.

teleSUR, MS (2024-06-25). Inundación de una mina de carbón en China deja tres muertos. La tragedia tuvo lugar el pasado sábado alrededor de las 17H00, cuando diez trabajadores se encontraban en la zona afectada. Dos lograron escapar por sus propios medios, dejando a ocho atrapados.

2024-06-25 19:24:28 | 19:24 EST | by | 47 | 1 | 0 | 68 | 0 

2024-06-23: News Headlines

newleftreview (2024-06-23). Richard Beck: Bidenism Abroad. Panoramic survey of US foreign policy as Washington attempts to maintain its global hegemony in conditions of faltering growth. Containing China, confronting Russia, driving decarbonization: each of Biden's stated aims has been beset by insoluble contradictions from the outset, Richard Beck argues, now compounded by Israel's punitive war on Gaza. (2024-06-23). Nation to crack down on market barriers. China will take more "powerful" actions to crack down on local protectionism and hidden market thresholds to create a fair market for all businesses, as a fair competition review system will come into force in August. (2024-06-23). China freezes, sanctions Lockhead Martin entities. China announced countermeasures on Lockheed Martin's entities and high-level management personnel on Friday, freezing their movable, immovable and other kinds of property. (2024-06-23). Punishments set out for separatist activities. Chinese authorities on Friday released a set of guidelines on imposing criminal penalties on staunch supporters of "Taiwan independence" for engaging in or inciting separatist activities, with trial in absentia granted when necessary. (2024-06-23). 900m+ devices now run on HarmonyOS. Huawei Technologies Co said on Friday that more than 900 million devices in China, including its own-branded products as well as devices from third-party companies, now run on its self-developed operating system HarmonyOS. (2024-06-23). Persistent rainfall in arid areas may cause floods, expert warns. While recent concentrated rainfall has notably alleviated drought conditions in some of China's main agricultural production areas, a meteorological expert on Wednesday warned of potential flooding in such places. (2024-06-23). Ningxia urged to deepen reforms. President Xi Jinping has stressed the importance of ecological conservation and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin as he urged the Ningxia Hui autonomous region to deepen reforms in key areas in accordance with local conditions. (2024-06-23). Southern regions working to battle heavy flooding impact. At least 38 people have died and two others went missing when catastrophic floods struck Pingyuan county in Meizhou, Guangdong province, over the previous week, the local flood control department said on Friday. (2024-06-23). Downpours in south China's Pingyuan county cause 38 deaths, 2 still missing. Torrential rains and extreme weather in Pingyuan County of Meizhou City, south China's Guangdong Province, have triggered natural disasters including landslides, flooding, and mudslides, resulting in 38 deaths and leaving two people missing, according to the local disaster prevention and control headquarters. (2024-06-23). China launches new astronomical satellite developed in cooperation with France. China on Saturday launched an astronomical satellite, the result of nearly 20 years of hard work between Chinese and French scientists, to capture gamma-ray bursts which flicker like fireworks in the farthest reaches of the universe. (2024-06-23). Xi stresses ecological conservation on Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, high-quality development. From June 18 to 19, Xi visited a middle school and a religious venue in the provincial capital Xining, accompanied by Chen Gang, secretary of CPC Qinghai Provincial Committee, and Wu Xiaojun, provincial governor. (2024-06-23). Insights | New Zealand scholar: NZ, China hail close ties as they further sign trade deals and strengthen cooperation. "The visit of Chinese Premier Li Qiang to New Zealand is enormously exciting. This is a chance now to refresh our relationship and to think where we might go next with our bilateral agreements,"said Chris Lipscombe, New Zealand China Friendship Society National President, during an online interview with China News Network. (2024-06-23). Hefei symposium focuses on human rights protection. China has been vigorously promoting its human rights development and continuously enhancing legal protection for human rights, according to human rights experts. (2024-06-23). U.S. violates one-China principle in Taiwan arms sale. China has lodged stern representations with the United States over its latest approval of an arms sale plan to Taiwan region, a defense spokesperson said on Friday. (2024-06-23). Road collapse caused by burst water pipe during construction: Chengdu metro. After a road collapse incident at a construction site for a metro line in Chengdu, Southwest China's Sichuan Province, Chengdu Rail Transit Group said on Friday that it was caused by a burst water pipe, and there were no casualties. (2024-06-23). Air China orders 100 C919 aircraft in $10.8 billion deal. Air China announced a major purchase of domestically produced C919 aircraft on Thursday evening. (2024-06-23). China's FDI inflow in Jan-May hits 412.51 billion yuan. Foreign direct investment (FDI) into China from January to May 2024 reached 412.51 billion yuan ($56.81 billion), with the number of newly established foreign-backed companies reaching 21,764, up 17.4 percent year-on-year. (2024-06-23). Thousands evacuated as floods and landslides cause chaos in East China's Fujian. Severe flooding and landslides wreaked havoc in southeast China leading to evacuation of over 35,000 locals.

Reuters (2024-06-23). Nvidia to launch in Middle East, amid US curbs on AI exports, concerns China dodging ban. The deal marks Nvidia's first large-scale regional launch to an area the US curbed the export of US chips to stop Chinese firms from using as a back door to access the newest AI technology.

aljazeera (2024-06-23). Philippines won't be 'intimidated' but won't start war amid row with China. President Marcos says he's in favour of peaceful resolution but refuses to be intimidated after a navy clash with China.

Reuters (2024-06-23). China and EU agree to talks on planned electric vehicle tariffs. Brussels has proposed hefty duties on imports of Chinese-made EVs to combat what the bloc considers excessive subsidies.

Regina Ip (2024-06-23). Hong Kong must boldly innovate faster to keep up with the times. It's time for the city to discard a project development model plagued by costly delays and seize opportunities from nearby cities.

noemail (2024-06-23). Philippine Navy Clashes with Chinese Forces in South China Sea Standoff. President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. declared on Sunday that the Philippines will not bow to any foreign power following an altercation with Chinese forces in the disputed South China Sea. Filipino navy personnel were injured, and military boats were damaged during the clash.

David Dodwell (2024-06-23). China-made AI sexbots: the next national security risk for US, EU? The rapid emergence of AI has sparked concerns about its attendant risks, and few sectors exemplify that more than the production of sex robots.

Mark Magnier (2024-06-23). US, Taiwan seek to expand island's 'meaningful participation' in international community. At a meeting in Taipei, US officials reaffirm support for Taiwan's 'valuable expertise' in addressing 'urgent challenges', as China sends 66 warplanes into the airspace around island.

teleSUR, MS (2024-06-23). Inundación de una mina de carbón en China deja tres muertos. La tragedia tuvo lugar el pasado sábado alrededor de las 17H00, cuando diez trabajadores se encontraban en la zona afectada. Dos lograron escapar por sus propios medios, dejando a ocho atrapados.

teleSUR, idg, JCM (2024-06-23). Venezuela y China muestran sintonía en agenda bilateral. La visita es una invitación del ministro chino de Relaciones Exteriores, Wang Yi, miembro del Buró Político del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de China.

2024-06-23 23:22:36 | 23:22 EST | tr | 29 | 3 | 13 | 27 | 0 

2024-06-17: News Headlines

infobrics (2024-06-17). China-Russia Partnership Based on Strategic Consensus Not Expediency. The latest state visit to China by Russian President Putin who led a massive, high-level delegation has caused various comments around the world…

infobrics (2024-06-17). Thailand Cabinet Approves Brics Membership Bid. Bloc started by larger developing nations including China is looking to expand…

Ali Azgar (2024-06-17). Taiwan hosts solidarity event to remember children killed in Gaza. Dozens of people in Taiwan gathered on Saturday, the first day of Eid Al-Adha, to commemorate Gazan children killed by Israel since 7 October, 2023, Anadolu Agency reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . People gathered at the Taipei Grand Mosque …

newleftreview (2024-06-17). Richard Beck: Bidenism Abroad. Panoramic survey of US foreign policy as Washington attempts to maintain its global hegemony in conditions of faltering growth. Containing China, confronting Russia, driving decarbonization: each of Biden's stated aims has been beset by insoluble contradictions from the outset, Richard Beck argues, now compounded by Israel's punitive war on Gaza.

People's Dispatch. (2024-06-17). Russia Rejects The Swiss Peace Summit As A 'Fraud'. The two-day Ukraine peace summit will start on Saturday, June 15 amidst widespread speculation about its objectives. The possibility that this will start a process for peace is also in serious doubt given the non-participation of several significant countries such as China and no invitation to Russia, one of the main parties of the conflict. | According to the Reuters, nearly 90 states and international organizations, mostly from the West, have confirmed participation in the summit which will be held on June 15-16 at Burgenstock in Switzerland. | Despite the participation of some Global South countries such as In… (2024-06-17). Beijing, Shenzhen, Shanghai top cities in China's AI development. Beijing, Shenzhen, and Shanghai take the top three spots among the 100 most competitive cities in artificial intelligence development in China. (2024-06-17). China-Europe freight train runs setting new monthly record in May. The number of China-Europe freight trains completed in May reached 1,724, which carried 186,000 standard containers of goods, hitting a new monthly high, the China State Railway Group said. (2024-06-17). Chinese cultural performances celebrate China-Panama diplomatic anniversary. The year 2024 marks the 7th anniversary of the establishment of China-Panama diplomatic ties. A reception was held in Panama City, the capital of Panama, to mark this occasion. The event featured a variety of traditional Chinese cultural performances, including puppet shows and pipa recitals. (2024-06-17). Insights丨Australian scholar: the founding of AUKUS sends a wrong signal to the world. "AUKUS, the agreement that was made between Australia, the United States and the United Kingdom is a great shame. I think, because it seems to be aimed against China," said Colin Mackerras, a fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities and a world-renowned sinologist. (2024-06-17). 2nd Xinjiang Barbecue Festival wows visitors at Grand Bazaar in Urumqi. The Second Xinjiang Barbecue Festival was held at the International Grand Bazaar, one of the most famous landmarks in Urumqi. (2024-06-17). China's industrial output up 5.6% in May. China's value-added industrial output, an important economic indicator, went up 5.6 percent year-on-year in May, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed on Monday. (2024-06-17). Insights丨Australian sinologist: Australians' lack of trust in China hampers bilateral ties. "What I find is lacking in relations up to now, especially from Australian side, is trust", said Colin Mackerras, a fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities and a world-renowned sinologist. (2024-06-17). Heat waves have intensified in recent decades. China is experiencing more frequent and intense heat waves due to global warming, which are affecting broad regions across the country, according to a senior meteorologist. (2024-06-17). Kinship kindles cross-Strait connections and reunions. The tradition of tracing one's origins runs deep in Chinese culture, transcending geographical barriers, and people from Taiwan are continuing to connect with their roots on the Chinese mainland, regardless of the ebbs and flows in cross-Strait relations. (2024-06-17). China's marriage registrations fall in Q1. The number of marriages registered in China in the first quarter of 2024 has fallen. (2024-06-17). Grassroot super league in full swing on the highland. Xining Xiadu team plays against Haixi Chaidamu Goji team in a Super League in Xining, capital of Qinghai Province?on June 16. (2024-06-17). Economist: Goal of growth achieveable. The annual growth target of around 5 percent is a feasible goal, as China has the potential to take on more debt to boost economic growth while not inflicting inflation. (2024-06-17). New pair of giant pandas to further bolster Sino-Australian relations. China will loan a new pair of giant pandas to Australia to continue with the cooperative research on the conservation of the globally loved animal, Premier Li Qiang said on Sunday, as he visited Adelaide Zoo in Adelaide, Australia. (2024-06-17). Heavy rain hits Fujian Province. The Fujian Provincial Meteorological Observatory continued to issue heavy rain warning. (2024-06-17). China issues highest warning for mountain torrents as heavy rain threatens eight provinces. China's water resources ministry and weather bureau issued the first national red alert for mountain torrents of the year on Sunday evening. (2024-06-17). Testing on public roads a leap forward for L3 autonomous vehicles in China. China has taken another significant step toward the commercialization of autonomous driving, with the recent authorization granted to the first group of domestic automakers for testing Level 3 autonomous technology on public roads. (2024-06-17). Regulation to target online insults, rumors. China has introduced a new regulation to combat cyberbullying that imposes stricter requirements on internet platforms, aiming to enhance early warning systems dealing with online attacks, experts said. (2024-06-17). Premier Li says China willing to enhance coordination, cooperation with Australia. Chinese Premier Li Qiang said in Canberra on Monday that China is willing to enhance coordination and cooperation with Australia at regional and international levels, calling for opposing camp confrontation and "new Cold War." (2024-06-17). Chinese premier says China will include Australia in the list of unilateral visa-free countries. Chinese Premier Li Qiang said on Monday that China will include Australia in the list of unilateral visa-free countries. (2024-06-17). China's lunar probe returning to Earth with samples from moon's far side in about 10 days. China's Chang'e-6 lunar probe carrying samples from moon's far side is returning to Earth in about 10 days, media outlets reported on Saturday, highlighting potential new discoveries to be revealed in aid of lunar research.

Oiwan Lam (2024-06-17). Hong Kong: The political subtext behind the resignations of overseas non-permanent judges.

latintimes (2024-06-17). China Says Relations With Australia Back 'On The Right Track'. China hailed mended ties with Australia on Monday, saying relations were "on the right track" as the trading partners moved on from a bitter economic dispute despite a duel for influence in the Pacific. Chinese Premier Li Qiang arrived to a grand ceremonial welcome at Parliament House in Canberra.

latintimes (2024-06-17). Philippine Ship, Chinese Vessel Collide In South China Sea: Beijing.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-06-17). Ethiopia will strengthen relations with China in all areas. Addis Ababa, Jun 17 (Prensa Latina) The vice president of the ruling Prosperity Party of Ethiopia, Adem Farah, affirmed that they will continue strengthening long-standing cooperative relations with China in all areas. (2024-06-17). China slams G7 statement as 'full of arrogance, prejudice and lies'. China slams a statement by the Group of Seven (G7) industrialized countries as "full of arrogance, prejudice and lies." (2024-06-17). Thousands evacuated as floods and landslides cause chaos in East China's Fujian. Severe flooding and landslides wreaked havoc in southeast China leading to evacuation of over 35,000 locals.

_____ (2024-06-17). NAM and Group of 77 Demand the Exclusion of Cuba from the List of Terrorism Sponsors Countries. 15 Jun 2024 – The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and the Group of 77 and China, through their Joint Coordinating Committee, demanded "the immediate exclusion of Cuba from the unilateral list of countries that allegedly sponsor terrorism."

WSWS (2024-06-17). Washington conducted secret global anti-vaccine disinformation campaign against China. Murderous in its own right, the anti-vaccine crusade of the Pentagon is part of a vast online apparatus of lies and propaganda run by the US government.

aljazeera (2024-06-17). Australia's Albanese and China's Li hold 'candid' talks in Canberra. Premier Li Qiang is the most senior Chinese leader to visit Australia since 2017.

aljazeera (2024-06-17). Video: Protests as China's premier visits Australia. Human rights protesters and supporters of China were involved in tense scenes outside an official welcome ceremony.

aljazeera (2024-06-17). US falling far behind China in nuclear power, report says. The US is between 10 and 15 years behind China in rolling out next-generation reactors, research institute says.

Ali Azgar (2024-06-17). Adidas Probes Allegations of Corruption in China. Adidas said it is investigating potential compliance violations in China after receiving a letter alleging senior executives in the country received millions of dollars in kickbacks from service providers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …

Robert Delaney (2024-06-17). Pentagon not denying secret campaign to discredit Chinese vaccines. In wake of report on its anti-vaccine programme, Pentagon says it conducts a wide range of operations 'to counter adversary malign influence'.

noemail (2024-06-17). China-Australia Diplomatic Thaw: Leaders Seek Common Ground in First Ministerial Meet in Seven Years. In a landmark meeting signaling a diplomatic thaw, Chinese Premier Li Qiang and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese agreed to properly manage their nations' differences as they transition from a period of icy relations. The leaders and senior ministers from both governments convened at Parliament House to address critical issues, including lingering trade barriers, military conflicts, and China's investment interests in critical minerals.

The Independent (2024-06-17). China to attend World University Mind Sports championship in Uganda. KAMPALA, Uganda | Xinhua | Uganda, the host for the 2024 FISU World University Mind Sports Championship, has confirmed that China will send a team for the event scheduled for June 25-30 in Entebbe. Peninah Aligawesa Kabenge, the vice president of the International University Sports Federation (FISU), told Xinhua on Saturday that China was among …

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-06-17). Países No Alineados y G77 y China exigen exclusión de Cuba de lista de países patrocinadores del terrorismo. La Habana, 17 jun (RHC) El Movimiento de Países No Alineados (Mnoal) y el Grupo de los 77 y China, a través de su Comité de Coordinación Conjunta, exigieron la inmediata exclusión de Cuba de la unilateral lista de países que supuestamente patrocinan el terrorismo.

teleSUR, idg, JCM (2024-06-17). Venezuela y China muestran sintonía en agenda bilateral. La visita es una invitación del ministro chino de Relaciones Exteriores, Wang Yi, miembro del Buró Político del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de China.

teleSUR, MS (2024-06-17). Inundación de una mina de carbón en China deja tres muertos. La tragedia tuvo lugar el pasado sábado alrededor de las 17H00, cuando diez trabajadores se encontraban en la zona afectada. Dos lograron escapar por sus propios medios, dejando a ocho atrapados.

2024-06-17 17:31:32 | 17:31 EST | tr | 45 | 0 | 0 | 63 | 0 

2024-06-16: News Headlines

Eric Zuesse (2024-06-16). Reuters Reveals Secret U.S. Government Anti-China Operation to Increase Covid-19 Deaths in East Asia and Pacific. On June 14, Reuters headlined: "Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during pandemic: The U.S. military launched a clandestine program amid the COVID crisis to discredit China's Sinovac inoculation — payback for Beijing's efforts to blame Washington for the pandemic. One target: the Filipino public. Health experts say the gambit was indefensible and …

newleftreview (2024-06-16). Richard Beck: Bidenism Abroad. Panoramic survey of US foreign policy as Washington attempts to maintain its global hegemony in conditions of faltering growth. Containing China, confronting Russia, driving decarbonization: each of Biden's stated aims has been beset by insoluble contradictions from the outset, Richard Beck argues, now compounded by Israel's punitive war on Gaza.

Jeffrey Sachs, Friends of Socialist China. (2024-06-16). The Perils And Promise Of The Emerging Multipolar World. In his recent article for Common Dreams, Columbia professor Jeffrey Sachs describes the world's trajectory towards multipolarity over the past three decades. He notes that, "in 1994, the G7 countries constituted 45.3% of world output, compared with 18.9% of world output in the BRICS countries (Brazil, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Iran, Russia, South Africa, United Arab Emirates). The tables have turned. The BRICS now produce 35.2% of world output, while the G7 countries produce 29.3%." | The West's political influence is also waning, as exemplified by the failure of the US-led sanctions against Russia from 2022… (2024-06-16). Jilin hosts tourism conference. The First Jilin Tourism Development Conference kicked off on Friday in the Changbai Mountain Protection and Development Zone in Jilin province, attracting about 400 delegates to discuss the high-quality development of the tourism industry. (2024-06-16). Premier highlights economic potential. China's efforts to restructure its economy through upgrading of consumption, industries and trade to promote high-quality growth will bring new opportunities for global development, Premier Li Qiang said on Friday. (2024-06-16). Ignition test conducted on new rocket. Chinese rocket scientists and engineers on Friday afternoon conducted a key test of a propulsion system that will be used on a new type of carrier rocket, which will be critical to China's future manned landings on the moon. (2024-06-16). 2,700 year old tree blooms in Sichuan. A 2,700-year-old ormosia hosiei tree in the village of Houyan in the Yucheng district of Ya'an, Sichuan province is currently in full bloom, emitting a strong fragrance. (2024-06-16). China stands against parties slandering HK national security law. China expressed strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition to relevant parties' slandering the national security law for Hong Kong and the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance and interfering in the special administrative region's rule of law. (2024-06-16). Insights | Yale experts call U.S. claims of 'China's Overcapacity' unfair. Environmental Studies experts criticized the Western claim of "China's overcapacity" and the tariffs on Chinese products such as electric vehicles (EVs) as "very unfair", as China's energy transition is crucial for global ecological protection. (2024-06-16). EU's new tariffs may trigger global trade conflict, says German VDA. The European Union's announcement that it will temporarily impose high additional tariffs of up to 38.1 percent on electric cars from China from July is a further step away from global cooperation and will further increase the risk of a global trade conflict. (2024-06-16). China's financing activities remain steady. China's financing activity remained lukewarm as the increment in aggregate social financing — the total amount of financing to the real economy — stood at 14.8 trillion yuan ($2.04 trillion) in the first five months of 2024. (2024-06-16). Xiangshan student found dead after falling into water. A student was found dead, after accidentally falling into water near a street in Xiangshan district of Guilin, the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, following days of heavy rainfall, the local government said on Sunday. (2024-06-16). Cradle of Civilization: Shipwrecks shed light on ancient Maritime Silk Road. Researchers have retrieved a collection of 928 pieces of underwater cultural relics in a series of archaeological investigations commencing in May 2023 on two ancient shipwrecks in the South China Sea. Two ancient shipwrecks from Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) were discovered at a depth of about 1,500 meters. (2024-06-16). Urgent, key issues discussed in Dialogue. The Second Track 1.5 Dialogue between China and the United States was held in Beijing on Thursday. (2024-06-16). Australia gets new pair of giant pandas from China. Premier Li Qiang said on Sunday that China will loan a new pair of giant pandas to Australia to continue cooperation on the protection and research of the globally loved animal as he visited Adelaide Zoo in Adelaide, South Australia. (2024-06-16). Xi's lasting support inspires faculties. A recent reply sent by President Xi Jinping has greatly inspired the Chinese and American faculties of Wenzhou-Kean University, a signature project of China-U.S. higher education cooperation. (2024-06-16). Spokesman for Chinese Defense Ministry condemns Philippines' behaviors. China will take resolute countermeasures against dangerous behaviors by the Philippines in the Nansha Islands, according to a spokesman for the Chinese Defense Ministry. (2024-06-16). High-speed trains to boost HK-mainland travel. The launch of high-speed sleeper train services connecting Hong Kong with Beijing and Shanghai has received a warm welcome in Hong Kong, with all sleeper berths on northbound trains fully booked and a notable surge in sales of related travel products. (2024-06-16). Insights | Xinjiang residents have been primary beneficiaries of rapid development: Canadian scholar. Over the past decade, the economic and social development of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region has been extremely rapid, particularly in infrastructure such as roads, education, and healthcare, said Barry Sautman, a retired professor from the Division of Social Science at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and a distinguished professor at Tsinghua University. (2024-06-16). China-New Zealand relations in numbers. Over the past 10 years, China and NewZealand have consistently adhered to mutual respect, inclusiveness, cooperation and joint development, promoting bilateral relations to achieve substantial progress, and creating multiple "firsts" in bilateral cooperation. (2024-06-16). Insights | Western propaganda against Xinjiang out of ignorance, mendacity: Canadian Scholar. The International Forum on the History and Future of Xinjiang, China opened on Wednesday in Kashi, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. Barry Sautman, a retired professor from the Division of Social Science at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and a distinguished professor at Tsinghua University took an exclusive interview with China News Network. (2024-06-16). Insights | Yale expert says China's energy transition encouraging. Mary Tucker-Grim, professor at the same Yale School , emphasized the necessity of China's transformation from an industrial society to an ecological civilization. She criticized Western accusations of China's "overcapacity" and the imposition of tariffs on its new energy industries as very unfair. (2024-06-16). China releases regulation governing cyber violence to create healthy online ecosystem. Chinese authorities released a regulation governing cyber violence on Friday, which will come into effect on August 1 this year. (2024-06-16). (W.E. Talk) The Role of Translation in Promoting Sino-Japanese Exchange. Sino-Japanese cultural exchanges have a long history, spanning a wide range of areas. Throughout history, Japan sent envoys to China to learn about Chinese culture. During the recent COVID-19 pandemic, when Japan sent assistance materials to China, in a moving gesture, the packages were printed with ancient Chinese verses expressing solidarity and the close bond between the two nations.

tvbrics (2024-06-16). China makes progress in preserving and promoting its cultural heritage. This is evident in the restoration of many valuable cultural artefacts and the development of the use of digital technology to manage these relics…

aljazeera (2024-06-16). 'Elimination' of Taiwan is China's great national cause, Lai says. Taiwan's president tells military academy cadets that the main challenge they face is the strong rise of Beijing.

aljazeera (2024-06-16). Adidas probes alleged 'large-scale bribery' by staff in China: Report. Complaint includes allegations that a senior manager received real estate and 'millions in cash from suppliers'.

Mehret Ayalew Mandefro (2024-06-16). A New Documentary Highlights China's Expansion Into Ethiopia. This Sunday, Made in Ethiopia premiers at the DC/DOX documentary festival in Washington, DC. This film rejects simplistic narratives and explores Ethiopia's burgeoning industrial sector and partnership with China through three individuals' perspectives. Ethiopia is the most populous nation in East Africa. In the 20th century, it faced economic troubles and civil war between communist…

Sebastiana Romero (2024-06-16). Ejército de Estados Unidos desarrolló campaña clandestina antivacunas para socavar a China. Manila, 16 jun (RHC) El Ejército estadounidense lanzó una campaña clandestina, en medio del apogeo de la pandemia del covid-19, destinada a descreditar "lo que percibía como una creciente influencia de China en Filipinas, una nación especialmente afectada por el mortal virus", comunicó Reuters este viernes.

teleSUR, MS (2024-06-16). Inundación de una mina de carbón en China deja tres muertos. La tragedia tuvo lugar el pasado sábado alrededor de las 17H00, cuando diez trabajadores se encontraban en la zona afectada. Dos lograron escapar por sus propios medios, dejando a ocho atrapados.

teleSUR, idg, JCM (2024-06-16). Venezuela y China muestran sintonía en agenda bilateral. La visita es una invitación del ministro chino de Relaciones Exteriores, Wang Yi, miembro del Buró Político del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de China.

Sebastiana Romero (2024-06-16). Publica diario de Sri Lanka comunicado de Mnoal y G77 a favor de Cuba. Colombo, 16 jun (RHC) El medio digital Sri Lanka Guardian publicó hoy la demanda en rechazo a la política de Estados Unidos contra Cuba del Movimiento de Países No Alineados(Mnoal) y el Grupo de los 77 (G77) y China.

2024-06-16 16:36:05 | 16:36 EST | tr | 34 | 0 | 15 | 38 | 0 

2024-06-11: News Headlines

Gabisile (2024-06-11). Call to end Palestinian suffering. Call to end Palestinian suffering | South Africa will continue to do everything within its power to preserve the existence of the Palestinian people as a group, and to end all acts of apartheid and genocide. | This is according to the International Relations and Cooperation Minister, Dr Naledi Pandor, who spoke in Russia on Tuesday. | The Foreign Ministers from the expanded BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) group of nations met for a two-day meeting focused on current international relations, global governance reform and conflict resolution. | Pandor told her colleagues that South Africa welco… (2024-06-11). 5.0-magnitude earthquake hits Xinjiang, no casualties reported. A 5.0-magnitude earthquake jolted Weili County, Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region at 1: 35 am Tuesday (Beijing Time), according to the China Earthquake Networks Center.

newleftreview (2024-06-11). Richard Beck: Bidenism Abroad. Panoramic survey of US foreign policy as Washington attempts to maintain its global hegemony in conditions of faltering growth. Containing China, confronting Russia, driving decarbonization: each of Biden's stated aims has been beset by insoluble contradictions from the outset, Richard Beck argues, now compounded by Israel's punitive war on Gaza.

Dan Becker, Consortium News. (2024-06-11). Gaza And United Nations Veto Power. In the United Nations Charter, the very sentence that establishes the Security Council's permanent-five veto power ends — surprisingly — in these nine words: ". . . a party to a dispute shall abstain from voting." | Let's allow the phrase to sink in for a moment before acknowledging that there is indeed a host of conditions, requirements, litmus tests and hoops to jump through before the phrase can be invoked and applied to a resolution. | But at the same time, it's also crucial and a bit remarkable to remember that the five permanent members (P5) of the Security Council — Britain, China, France…

Diego Ramos, Scheer Post. (2024-06-11). Study Finds Indicators Of Economic Growth Without Environmental Harm. A recent study conducted by researchers from China, France, the Netherlands, Sweden, Italy, Britain, and South Africa has found evidence of separation between economic growth and environmental degradation in China's most economically significant lake basin. | The Yangtze River Delta, which was studied by the team, accounts for only 4 percent of the country's land area but a quarter of its gross domestic product (GDP). Some of China's major industries, including chip, electric vehicle, robot and battery manufacturers and developers in software and artificial intelligence are concentrated in the delta.

Editor (2024-06-11). 94% of Americans Want to End Ukraine War, but US Rejects China Peace Deal, Opposes Talks With Russia. (2024-06-11). Beijing Symphony Orchestra enchants audience with renowned violinist. On Friday, the Beijing Symphony Orchestra mesmerized audiences at the National Center for the Performing Arts in Beijing with a captivating concert featuring Vineta Sareika-Volkner, the concertmaster of the Berliner Philharmoniker. (2024-06-11). Foundation for empowering women opens chapter in LA. With the flame of entrepreneurship for women burning bright in both China and the United States, The Inner Mountain Foundation, a global women's empowerment community, has launched its first United States-located chapter in Los Angeles in early June to support more women in expanding their inner strength and overcoming self-limitations. (2024-06-11). Weak yen a double-edged sword, say mkt mavens. The depreciation of the Japanese yen has created ups and downs in China, both promoting outbound tourism and the value of renminbi and Chinese assets while also presenting some problems for Chinese exporters. (2024-06-11). 500 flood-trapped residents reach safety in Guangxi. Officers, in coordination with local emergency services, successfully evacuated all 500 residents from 176 households to safety from rain-flooded villages in Baise City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on Monday. (2024-06-11). Tour guide captivates visitors with Shaanxi charm. Explaining the nuances of history captures more attention by using a unique approach, Yang Feiyue reports. (2024-06-11). First China-developed CKD6S shunting locomotive goes offline in Sichuan. Developed by China's rolling stock manufacturer, the first CKD6S locomotive rolled off the line in Ziyang, Sichuan Province on Monday. It is China's first shunting locomotive used for EurAsian Conformity (EAC) certification. (2024-06-11). People from Taiwan Straits celebrate Dragon Boat Festival together on river. People from both sides of the Taiwan Straits splash water on the Hanjiang River to welcome the Dragon Boat Festival in Shishi, Quanzhou, Fujian Province on June 10, 2024. (2024-06-11). Expert predicts positive export outlook for H2. China's ongoing optimization of its export goods structure and expansion of its trading partnerships will help mitigate the effects of rising trade barriers and other external challenges. (2024-06-11). First national 'Class Super League' friendly match kicks off in Guizhou. A friendly match held between the school teams from Xizang Autonomous Region and Guizhou Province in Rongjiang County, Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture, June 10, 2024. | It is the opening event of the first national "Class Super League" (or Banchao) friendly match in 2024. (2024-06-11). N.China braces for peak of strongest heatwave. A new wave of scorching heat, marking the strongest this year, is set to peak from Monday to Thursday in northern parts of the country, with temperatures in some places expected to hit record highs. (2024-06-11). International commercial launch center preparing for maiden mission. Construction of the Hainan International Commercial Aerospace Launch Center has been completed in Wenchang, a coastal city in Hainan province, after nearly two years of work, the center said in a news release. (2024-06-11). U.S. urged to stop Taiwan provocations. The recent words and actions of the United States, including those of President Joe Biden, on the Taiwan question have been detrimental to cross-Strait and U.S.-China relations, and the U.S. should stop its provocations, experts said. (2024-06-11). Ministry punishes aid body for suspected cheating, dereliction of duty. The Ministry of Civil Affairs has imposed administrative punishments on the China Charities Aid Foundation for Children after investigating its staff members' alleged fraudulent activities and dereliction of dut… (2024-06-11). HK Dragon Boat team prepares for international race. Royal X dragon boat team members paddle hard during a training session for the 2024 Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races at Deep Water Bay in Hong Kong. (2024-06-11). Beijing police detain four in subway construction collapse investigation. The investigative team concluded that the accident was a result of unauthorized operations by construction personnel and inadequate safety management by the unit at fault. (2024-06-11). Experts call for efforts to expand demand. Overall price levels in China are likely to rise, from moderately to significantly, as domestic demand is expected to improve amid a series of policy measures aimed at boosting consumption and increasing investment, experts said. (2024-06-11). China chic dominates graduation ceremonies. Wearing baccalaureate gowns adorned with traditional Chinese-style decorations is all the rage for Chinese and foreign graduates this year. The popularity of traditional Chinese attire is continuing to grow and such a trend has fueled the growth of online retailers. (2024-06-11). Robotics engineers help to promote industrial transformation. Na Peng (right) and his colleague check a spot welding robot in Shenyang, Northeast China's Liaoning province, on June 3, 2024.Na Peng debugs the program of the industrial robot control system in Shenyang, Northeast China's Liaoning province, on June 3, 2024. [Photo/Xinhua]… (2024-06-11). Beijing-Tangshan rail construction gears up for enhanced regional links. Construction of the Beijing-Tangshan Intercity Railway has been making rapid advances, reflected by faster tunneling progress reports from participating State-owned builders. | D… (2024-06-11). New arachnid species identified in Southwest China. Chinese researchers recently published a study unveiling the discovery of Trechaleidae, the 74th spider family in China. The research team at Southwest University, led by Zhang Zhisheng, also reported the identification of a previously unknown species of arachnids in Tsona county of the Xizang autonomous region. (2024-06-11). Exchange of letters boosts China-UAE ties. Recently, Hamdan directly expressed to President Xi Jinping his wish to visit China to see giant pandas. (2024-06-11). Revitalizing CPEC and strengthening China-Pakistan ties. The recent visit of Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif to China marks a pivotal moment in the enduring and evolving relationship between Pakistan and China. (2024-06-11). Grand Chinese musical and dance gala premieres in Sydney. "Ode to the Rivers," a grand musical and dance performance, premieres in Sydney on the evening of June 9, 2024. (Photo: China News Service/ Gu Shihong) | The event was jointly hosted by the AustCham Beijing and Sunny Performing Arts Inc..

M. K. Bhadrakumar (2024-06-11). China springs a BRI surprise on U.S. The report of the death of China's Belt and Road Initiative [BRI] was an exaggeration, after all. (2024-06-11). Four US academics stabbed in China's Beishan park in daytime attack.

Shane Quinn (2024-06-11). Instigation of Rebellions in Tibet.

Ragip Soylu (2024-06-11). Nato or Shanghai Cooperation Organisation? Turkey's Erdogan goes for both. Nato or Shanghai Cooperation Organisation? Turkey's Erdogan goes for both | The Turkish president's expected attendance at rival summits in the same month highlight's Ankara's complex geopolitical moves | | Recep Tayyip Erdogan speaks during a press conference at the Presidential Palace in Ank… (2024-06-11). Four US academics on visit to China stabbed in Jilin public park. PTC Web Desk: Four US College instructors were injured after a stabbing incident in a public park while visiting their partner campus in China, according to CNN, citing a school official. | Cornell College instructors in Mount Vernon, Iowa, were at a public park with a staff member from their partner university on Monday (local time) when they suffered injuries "in a serious incident," according to school President Jonathan Brand."We have been in contact with all four instructors and are assisting them during this time," Brand stated.Jen Visser, the school's spokesperson, told CNN The stabbing occurred in Jilin…

tvbrics (2024-06-11). Brazilian Vice President Geraldo Alckmin summarises results of his visit to China. He spoke about the importance of mutual trade and bilateral co-operation between the countries…

Khushboo Razdan (2024-06-11). FBI official admits mistakes, vows to improve relations with Asian-American communities. Bureau tries outreach after criticism of its role in the now-disbanded China Initiative and the programme's lingering repercussions for people with ties to China.

Guest Blogger (2024-06-11). Updated Hydrogen Costings. The cost of producing and installing electrolysers for green hydrogen production in China, the US and Europe — three of the world's biggest markets — has risen by more than 50% compared to last year, research house BloombergNEF (BNEF) has found, rather than the gradual reduction its analysis had previously indicated.

Bochen Han (2024-06-11). US-Japan-South Korea training fellowship opens amid tense tech race with China. AI, quantum technology, biosecurity and space are on the agenda for selected mid-level officials from the three countries.

Agence France-Presse (2024-06-11). Czechs to open cultural centre in Taiwan, risking China's ire. CTK news agency quoted Czech Centres head Jitka Panek Jurkova as saying that Czechs 'want to be seen and heard in Taipei'. Czech officials foster close ties with Taiwan.

Business Insider (2024-06-11). US plans to turn Taiwan Strait into 'unmanned Hellscape' if China invades: top admiral. US has plans to deploy thousands of drones if mainland China invades Taiwan, said Samuel Paparo, adding the 'Hellscape' strategy is designed to distract China and buy the US time to respond.

aljazeera (2024-06-11). Four Cornell College tutors stabbed in China park attack: US officials. The group, on a visit to a partner university in northeast China's Jilin province, were attacked while visiting a temple…

aljazeera (2024-06-11). Hong Kong hits back as UK judge says rule of law 'profoundly compromised'. Hong Kong chief executive defends territory's judiciary amid concerns about impact of security and sedition laws.

aljazeera (2024-06-11). Video: Four US college tutors stabbed in northern China. Four American tutors from a university in Iowa have been injured in a stabbing attack at a park in northeast China.

teleSUR, idg, JCM (2024-06-11). Venezuela y China muestran sintonía en agenda bilateral. La visita es una invitación del ministro chino de Relaciones Exteriores, Wang Yi, miembro del Buró Político del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de China.

teleSUR, MS (2024-06-11). Inundación de una mina de carbón en China deja tres muertos. La tragedia tuvo lugar el pasado sábado alrededor de las 17H00, cuando diez trabajadores se encontraban en la zona afectada. Dos lograron escapar por sus propios medios, dejando a ocho atrapados.

2024-06-11 21:13:58 | 21:13 EST | tr | 47 | 0 | 0 | 71 | 0 

2024-06-09: News Headlines

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2024-06-09). 94% Of Americans Want To End Ukraine War, But US Rejects Peace Deal. Polling shows that the vast majority of people in the United States and Western Europe want negotiations to end the war in Ukraine. | Despite this, NATO opposes a peace proposal made by China and Brazil, and refuses to invite Russia to a so-called "peace conference" that the Western powers are holding in Switzerland from June 15-16. | The Institute for Global Affairs of Eurasia Group, an avowedly pro-NATO and anti-Russia consulting firm that has worked extensively with Western governments, published a study this June titled "The New Atlanticism". | The survey found that the 94% of people in the US and 88% in West…

Abdul Rahman, People's Dispatch. (2024-06-09). China, Russia And Iran Call On The West To Restore Nuclear Deal. China, Russia and Iran, three of the seven original signatories of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) or Iran nuclear deal, issued a joint statement on Wednesday, June 5, asking the European signatories to take efforts to restore the deal. | "The People's Republic of China, the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Russian Federation are convinced that it is time for Western Countries to demonstrate political will, stop the continued cycle of escalation that has been going on for almost two years and take the necessary steps towards the revival of the JCPOA. This can still be done," the statement reads. (2024-06-09). Young U.S. representatives begin youth exchange program in Chongqing. A total of 23 young representatives, including college students, professors and engineers from Fortune 500 companies across the United States, kicked off a five-day visit on the "Bridge of the Future" China-U.S. Youth Exchange Program Flagship event in Southwest China's Chongqing municipality on Friday. (2024-06-09). Dismal result leads to Seoul search. Team China's narrow escape from a home defeat to Thailand has granted its World Cup qualifying campaign seemingly nothing more than a stay of execution, leaving fans frustrated by the beleaguered side's bleak future prospects. (2024-06-09). May exports grow better than expected. China's exports grew better than expected in May, with analysts pointing to improved external demand and strong resilience in foreign trade, providing a solid base for achieving its annual economic target. (2024-06-09). Stronger strategic coordination stressed. President Xi Jinping has underlined the need for China and Brazil to adhere to the strategic nature of the bilateral relationship and constantly strengthen their strategic coordination, while enhancing mutually beneficial cooperation on all fronts. (2024-06-09). (W.E.Talk) Donald Worster: To Build Eco-civilization, China and the West Need Each Other. Ecology, is created in 19th Century, attracting more and more attention worldwide. What is ecology? Why building eco-civilization need China and the West? Donald Worster, a member of American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAA&S) and one of the founders of the field of environment history, noted during the exclusive interview with W.E.Talk from CNS, that eco-civilization is a cultural "answer" to environmental problems. (2024-06-09). Record 13.4 million sit for gaokao nationwide. China's annual college entrance examination, known as the gaokao, began on Friday with a record-breaking 13.42 million students taking the test nationwide. (2024-06-09). A tour of World Heritage Sites in China>. Every year on the second Saturday of June, China celebrates its Cultural and Natural Heritage Day. Get onboard and prepare to explore some of China's World Heritage Sites on this trip. (2024-06-09). Job fair for university graduates held in Yunnan. A job fair for university graduates was held at Yunnan Minzu University, in Southwest China's Yunnan province on Wednesday, according to news portal (2024-06-09). China opposes Philippines' attempt to permanently occupy Ren'ai Jiao. The Chinese Foreign Ministry on Friday said the Philippines should not attempt to permanently occupy Ren'ai Jiao in the South China Sea."ÄÄ… (2024-06-09). Tourism improves Cambodia relations. China and Cambodia are poised to strengthen tourism cooperation, aiming to leverage their rich cultural and natural resources for mutual economic and social benefits. (2024-06-09). China's World Natural Heritage Sites. Let's take a look at different stories and brilliant ideas about China's natural heritage. (2024-06-09). Xi reaffirms good ties with Pakistan. Beijing and Islamabad reaffirmed their ironclad friendship on Friday, with both sides vowing to continue enhancing high-quality cooperation on joint construction of the Belt and Road and stepping up the building of a closer China-Pakistan community with a shared future. (2024-06-09). U.S.-China subnational climate action: a step towards real collaboration. The U.S.-China High-Level Event on Subnational Climate Action, held from May 29 to 30 in Berkeley, California, marks a significant milestone in international environmental cooperation. (2024-06-09). One man dies as dragon boat capsizes during race in Hubei. One man was killed after a dragon boat capsized in a river during a race in Huangmei county of Hubei province on Saturday, local media reported.

Martin Hacthoun (2024-06-09). Cuba thanks China for its help to build up energy grid. Havana, Jun 9 (Prensa Latina) Cuba's Minister of Energy and Mines, Vicente de la O Levy, thanked the people and government of China for their support to strengthen this Caribbean country's power grid.

Pavel López Lazo (2024-06-09). Cuba-China relations are at their best, says Cuban FM. Havana, June 9 (Prensa Latina) Relations between Cuba and China are nowadays at their best moment, and a glorious future has just begun to continue these bilateral ties, Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez said.

Pavel López Lazo (2024-06-09). Turkey imposes 40 percent tariff on vehicle imports from China. Ankara, Jun 9 (Prensa Latina) Türkiye will impose an additional 40% tariff on vehicle imports from China at a minimum of US$7,000, starting July 7, the Ministry of Commerce announced on Sunday.

EcoWaste Coalition (2024-06-09). EcoWaste Coalition Calls on FDA to Test Soft Plastic Balls for Hazardous Chemicals. 9 June 2024, Quezon City. The toxics watchdog group EcoWaste Coalition urged the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the lead regulatory agency for toy safety, to test softballs, specifically those made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic, for harmful chemicals that are banned or restricted in children's toys. | The group made the suggestion after some European governments recalled or withdrew from the market several soft plastic balls, mostly made in China, for containing banned or restricted chemicals of concern, including endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) like phthalates and persistent organic pollutants (…

The Independent (2024-06-09). Cooperation with China helps Africa realize blue economy aspirations. * "Fishing is a rewarding vocation that has enabled me to educate my children, feed them, and pursue other businesses on the side," said Mohamed Chamira, a fisherman with 57 years of experience. * China has been carrying out fishery cooperation with nearly 20 African countries and their partnerships hold huge potential. * By March …

aljazeera (2024-06-09). Polls open in 20 EU countries to elect new European Parliament. The vote will shape how the EU tackles Russia, industrial rivarly with China and the US, climate change and migration.

The Independent (2024-06-09). Ugandan, Chinese vocational schools partner up to boost training, employment. KAMPALA, Uganda | Xinhua | Uganda's Luyanzi Institute of Technology (LIT), a vocational school in Kampala, has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Hunan Mechanical and Electrical Polytechnic (HMEP) in China to enhance training and employment opportunities for its students. Ayub Sooma, chairperson of LIT, signed the MoU at LIT with Chen Li, vice …

Bárbara Gómez (2024-06-09). Agradecen en Cuba apoyo de China para fortalecer matriz energética. La Habana, 9 jun (RHC) El ministro cubano de Energía y Minas, Vicente de la O Levy, agradeció al pueblo y Gobierno de China por su apoyo para fortalecer la matriz energética de nuestro país.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-06-09). Nexos entre Cuba y China están en su mejor momento, afirma canciller. La Habana, 9 jun (RHC) Las relaciones entre los gobiernos de Cuba y China están hoy en su mejor momento y ha comenzado un futuro con más esplendor para continuar esos vínculos, afirmó el ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de nuestro país, Bruno Rodríguez.

teleSUR, MS (2024-06-09). Inundación de una mina de carbón en China deja tres muertos. La tragedia tuvo lugar el pasado sábado alrededor de las 17H00, cuando diez trabajadores se encontraban en la zona afectada. Dos lograron escapar por sus propios medios, dejando a ocho atrapados.

teleSUR, idg, JCM (2024-06-09). Venezuela y China muestran sintonía en agenda bilateral. La visita es una invitación del ministro chino de Relaciones Exteriores, Wang Yi, miembro del Buró Político del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de China.

2024-06-09 20:37:51 | 20:37 EST | tr | 29 | 1 | 10 | 30 | 0 

2024-06-04: News Headlines

Editor (2024-06-04). Jun 4, 2024. The Rising of the Moon — The Cassidys The coming Novus Ordo Seclorum — Change we must; there is no choice! by Alastair Crooke Should Vladimir Putin Call His Shot on a NATO Brushback Pitch? by Ron Unz Russian military analyst sees 4 not very good options for a Russian response.. by Don Hank China's Straight Talk—No Narratives, by Karl Sanchez Are You Feeding Your Soul or the Enemy? by Dr. Joseph Mercola Patrick Lawrence: Deaf and Blind: The Maladies of American Diplomats Polarization: An Extended Report for June 3rd, by Oliver Boyd-Barrett On Lying, by John Leake The Twenty-Fi… (2024-06-04). World's biggest solar farm comes online in China's Xinjiang. 5-gigawatt, 200,000-acre solar farm, in a desert area of the capital Urumqi, comes online…

midwesternmarx (2024-06-04). Raisi led the charge for Russia—Iran—China's 'new world order' By: Pepe Escobar. Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi's eastward vision was instrumental in advancing the strategic Moscow—Tehran—Beijing nexus and bulldozing a path toward institutionalizing multipolarity. Amidst all the sadness and grief over the loss of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, let's take a moment to showcase the critical path he helped forge toward a new global order. ​In the nearly three years since Raisi ascended to the Iranian presidency, Eurasian integration …

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-06-04). China achieves milestone in the history of lunar exploration. Beijing, Jun 4 (Prensa Latina) China's aerospace science achieved an unprecedented feat in the history of lunar exploration with the liftoff today of the Chang'e-6 probe carrying samples collected from the hidden side of the Moon.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-06-04). Cuban president's special envoy to visit China. Beijing, Jun 4 (Prensa Latina) The Chinese Foreign Ministry announced on Tuesday in this capital the upcoming visit of Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla as special envoy of Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-06-04). Anuncian visita a China de enviado especial del Presidente de Cuba. La Habana, 4 jun (RHC) El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de China anunció hoy en Beijing la inminente visita del canciller Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla en calidad de enviado especial del presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez.

Finbarr Bermingham (2024-06-04). Tougher China criticism by Volodymyr Zelensky over Ukraine complicates troubled Sino-EU ties. 'Gloves are off' as Ukrainian leader is described as having lost patience with Beijing, accusing it of acting as Vladimir Putin's 'instrument'.

WSWS (2024-06-04). Ukrainian president berates China at Singapore security conference. The presence of Zelensky condemning China and touting for support for the war against Russia is a sharp warning the brutal conflict is rapidly developing into a wider war not just in Europe, but throughout Asia and the world.

WSWS (2024-06-04). Anthony Fauci, the Wuhan Lab Lie, and the bipartisan war on public health. The McCarthyite show trial of Fauci, replete with wild accusations and denunciations, was aimed at intimidating scientists and all those who advocate for public health measures against the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the threat of future pandemics.

Khushboo Razdan (2024-06-04). Panda fever hits Washington's National Zoo early, as does push for donations to help cover high costs. Zoo will pay US$1 million a year to a China wildlife group, with aim of raising US$25 million to 'secure a future' for the bears in nation's capital.

Agence France-Presse (2024-06-04). US vies to reset Cambodia ties with Pentagon chief's flying visit to China ally. US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin landed in Phnom Penh on Tuesday for a one-day visit en route from the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore.

Reuters (2024-06-04). Dalai Lama to visit US for knee treatment this month, his office says. Washington did not confirm whether any meetings were set for Tibet's exiled spiritual leader and US officials during the June trip.

teleSUR, MS (2024-06-04). China recoge las primeras muestras de la cara oculta de la Luna. Esta proeza tecnológica representa un salto significativo en la exploración espacial, demostrando los avances en la capacidad de autonomía y la fiabilidad de los sistemas aeroespaciales de China.

newarab (2024-06-04). US seeks UN backing for Gaza deal to pressure Israel to accept. The US said on Monday it wants the United Nations Security Council to adopt a resolution backing the It circulated a one-page draft text, seen by Reuters, to the 15-member council. A resolution needs at least nine votes in favour and no vetoes by the US, France, Britain, China or Russia to pass. | The draft calls on

Oiwan Lam (2024-06-03). Hong Kong battles over the memory of June 4, the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre.

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2024-06-03: News Headlines

newleftreview (2024-06-03). Richard Beck: Bidenism Abroad. Panoramic survey of US foreign policy as Washington attempts to maintain its global hegemony in conditions of faltering growth. Containing China, confronting Russia, driving decarbonization: each of Biden's stated aims has been beset by insoluble contradictions from the outset, Richard Beck argues, now compounded by Israel's punitive war on Gaza.

Oiwan Lam (2024-06-03). Hong Kong battles over the memory of June 4, the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre.

Liu Xin (2024-06-03). Video: Whispers of Power: U.S. Wargaming in Taiwan.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-06-03). Russia and China will reach agreements on energy supply. Moscow, Jun 3 (Prensa Latina) Russia has no doubt that all necessary agreements will be reached with China on energy supplies, and trade negotiations are underway, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-06-03). China warns it will respond to the United States new actions. Beijing, Jun 3 (Prensa Latina) China's Foreign Ministry spokesman, Mao Ning, warned today that if the United States imposes visa restrictions on central government functionaries, and the Hong Kong administration, Beijing will resolutely counterattack.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-06-03). China calls for concrete actions on Ukraine conflict. Beijing, Jun 3 (Prensa Latina) The Chinese Foreign Ministry said that the key to the resolution of the armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine lies in the international community taking real actions.

_____ (2024-06-03). Taiwan Continues Toward US-Engineered "Ukraine-ization" 27 May 2024 – The Chinese Island province of Taiwan continues to be targeted by the US and its political proxies through efforts to further consolidate political control over it and transform it into a geopolitical "battering ram" against the rest of China. Déjà -vu all over again.

_____ (2024-06-03). My Vision for Sudan. Well known African proverb: "When elephants fight, the grass suffers, and, when elephants make love, the grass suffers even more." You have two elephants let loose, the USA and China, both oil drunk. You have their drug. Some Sudan violence is a proxy war.

tvbrics (2024-06-03). China to build national museum of marine archaeology. It will cover an area of 29,333 square metres… (2024-06-03). Social sciences in spotlight at Beijing forum. Experts and authorities gathered in Beijing on Sunday for a seminar exploring the role of social sciences in shaping modern Chinese civilization. (2024-06-03). Married couple detained after discovery of espionage. China's national security agencies recently uncovered an espionage case involving the United Kingdom's Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) recruiting Chinese central government department employees to gather information. (2024-06-03). Chinese scientists unveil low-power neuromorphic 'brain-like' chips. A Chinese scientific team has developed a new 'brain-like' chip that operates on reduced energy consumption, marking a significant advance in China's chip manufacturing technology. (2024-06-03). China's defense minister vows no tolerance for war or chaos in Asia-Pacific. China's Minister of National Defense, Admiral Dong Jun, asserted that China will not permit any country or force to incite war or chaos in the Asia-Pacific region. This declaration came during his debut at the prestigious Shangri-La Dialogue. (2024-06-03). China's C919 jetliner completes first overseas commercial charter flight. A C919 jetliner of the China Eastern Airlines fleet on Saturday kicked off its first overseas commercial chartered flight, providing a round-trip service between Shanghai and Hong Kong. (2024-06-03). Civil aviation bounces back from pandemic. China's civil aviation industry rebounded significantly last year, showcasing steady growth across key metrics compared to the previous year, when the COVID-19 pandemic was coming to an end, according to a report released on Friday by the Civil Aviation Administration of China. (2024-06-03). People's Bank of China to issue National Treasure-themed commemorative coins. The People's Bank of China will issue a special commemorative coin set on June 8, titled "National Treasures" in tribute to the rich history and cultural heritage of the People's Republic of China. (2024-06-03). Kashgar in Xinjiang starts import of Pakistani fresh aquatic products. A batch of fresh aquatic products from Pakistan entered China through the Kashgar airport in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region on Sunday. This marks the first time the region has imported such items from its neighbor. (2024-06-03). China reiterates sovereignty over South China Sea islands. China reiterated on Monday its indisputable sovereignty over Nanhai Zhudao (the South China Sea islands), dismissing Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos' speech concerning the South China Sea issue at the Shangri-La Dialogue. (2024-06-03). Trade-ins: Housing's latest hope in China. There was a time when "trade-in deals" referred to selling one's old home appliances or cars to buy new ones with subsidies. Now, it has become a buzz phrase in China's property industry.

The Independent (2024-06-03). China's Chang'e-6 lands on moon's far side to collect samples. This image taken from video animation at Beijing Aerospace Control Center (BACC) on June 2, 2024 shows the lander-ascender combination of Chang'e-6 probe before landing on the far side of the moon. (Xinhua/Jin Liwang) BEIJING | Xinhua | China's Chang'e-6 touched down on the far side of the moon on Sunday morning, and … (2024-06-03). Insights | Former Hungarian Prime Minister: 'When China develops successfully, the world can keep the pace'. "It can be seen that China's development has brought a new opportunity to the world because when China develops successfully, the world can keep pace," Peter Medgyessy, former Hungarian Prime Minister, highlighted the role of China's development in a recent interview. (2024-06-03). Dragon boat race sets world record in C China. Dragon boats parade on Xiaoshui River to celebrate the upcoming Dragon Boat Festival in Dongxian County of Yongzhou City, central China's Hunan Province, June 2, 2024. (2024-06-03). Boeing resumes deliveries to China. Boeing China President Alvin Liu said on Thursday that Boeing has resumed the delivery of its new aircraft to China, including the 737MAX and 787 Dreamliner. (2024-06-03). Scenic Duku Highway in Xinjiang reopens. Widely viewed as the most beautiful highway in China allowing tourists to experience various landscape features along one single road, the scenic Duku Highway in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region reopened on Saturday. (2024-06-03). Historic probe to explore, gather samples from far side of moon. China's Chang'e 6 robotic mission reached a crucial moment in the nation's historic lunar odyssey on Sunday morning, when its landing craft successfully touched down on the moon's little-known far side.

Yuke Xie (2024-06-03). Absa aims to use new Beijing office to strengthen China-Africa business ties. The financial services group will develop relationships with Chinese firms, advise on the capability that Absa Group has across its footprint in Africa, Absa China CEO Kaempfer says. (2024-06-03). China delivers ARJ21 jetliner to Indonesia through cross-border RMB settlement. An ARJ21 aircraft, China's self-developed regional jetliner, arrived in Jakarta, Indonesia on Friday, achieving the country's first overseas lease with the RMB settlement, according to China Aircraft Leasing Co.(CALC). (2024-06-03). Norway eyes closer trade ties with China. Norway expects more economic and trade collaboration with China in various areas as the two countries strive to achieve common goals on environmental issues and with regards to healthy food, a Norwegian official says. (2024-06-03). China's Chang'e-6 lands on moon's far side to collect samples. The lander-ascender combination began the powered descent at 6: 09 a.m. The main engine with variable thrust was ignited, and the combination quickly adjusted its attitude and gradually approached the lunar surface. (2024-06-03). Early results of 618 festival signal robust consumption outlook. Chinese e-commerce platforms on Saturday unveiled positive early sales data for the ongoing 618 shopping festival – which used to fall on June 18 – China's second-largest online shopping event only after the Double 11 shopping event. (2024-06-03). Suzhou shakes up residency rules. The city of Suzhou in East China's Jiangsu province has announced the scrapping of all restrictions on homebuying from Sunday. (2024-06-03). China favors security for all in Asia-Pacific. China will not allow any country or force to trigger war or chaos in the Asia-Pacific region, Minister of National Defense Dong Jun said on Sunday in Singapore, while making his debut at the Shangri-La Dialogue, an elite global security forum. (2024-06-03). Qinghai-Tibet Plateau lakes expanding rapidly. The area of lakes on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has expanded by over 10,000 square kilometers over the past 30 years according to researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Research Institute. (2024-06-03). China warns U.S. about redlines on core interests as vice FM visits Washington at critical juncture. Ma Zhaoxu's visit to the US from Thursday to Sunday aimed at sending a clear message to the US about China's redlines on its core interests while also maintaining communication between senior officials in the two countries, said Chinese experts. (2024-06-03). Lonely Asian elephant finds a mate. The Changchun Zoological and Botanical Garden in Jilin province is abuzz with excitement after a new male elephant, Xixi, was introduced to resident female Angya.

Staff (2024-06-03). Singapore singles shun dating apps, a visual guide to severe flight turbulence: 5 weekend reads you may have missed. From singles in Singapore to a Hong Kong culinary classic, here are five stories you may have missed over the weekend. (2024-06-03). 'Big Bang' Zhang Zhilei gives big boost to boxing in China. A heavyweight boxing contender from China is a rarity in the sport. Zhang Zhilei has not only made that a reality, but hopes to eventually fight for the undisputed title after a stunning victory over former champion Deontay Wilder on Saturday. (2024-06-03). Drone deliveries begin to take off in Shenzhen. People at a city library in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, can now have food delivered by drones following the launch of a low-altitude transport route.

aljazeera (2024-06-03). China charges couple with spying for Britain. Chinese intelligence claims husband recruited while studying in the United Kingdom, and later brought his wife on board. (2024-06-03). Outbound tourism sees booking frenzy as holiday approaches. As the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, which runs from June 8 to 10, approaches, China's tourism sector is seeing another booking frenzy, with outbound tours particularly sought out by visitors.

aljazeera (2024-06-03). Sharif's Beijing trip: Can China-Pakistan Economic Corridor be revived? The $62bn project, meant to resurrect Pakistan's economy, has struggled amid attacks on Chinese workers.

Maria Calvo (2024-06-03). China advierte que responderá a nuevas acciones de Estados Unidos. Beijing, 3 junio (RHC) La portavoz del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de China, Mao Ning, advirtió hoy que si Estados Unidos impone restricciones de visa a funcionarios del gobierno central y de la administración de Hong Kong, Beijing contraatacará resueltamente.

teleSUR, idg, JCM (2024-06-03). China acusa a Reino Unido de reclutar a funcionarios chinos para espionaje. El ministerio aseguró que tienen pruebas suficientes para demostrar la implicación de Wang y su esposa con la agencia de espionaje, pero también dio a conocer que la investigación sigue en curso. (2024-06-03). China warns of 'limits' to its restraint against US provocations. China warns that there are "limits" to its restraint in dealing with US provocation in the South China Sea. (2024-06-03). Iran summons Chinese envoy over support for 'baseless' claims on trio islands. The Iranian Foreign Ministry summons China's ambassador to Tehran to protest Beijing's support for "baseless claims" about three Iranian islands in the Persian Gulf.

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